Principal's Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
During the season of Advent, we hear the word HOPE used frequently. It is the name of one of the candles on the Advent wreath. Below I invite you to read a reflection that makes us think a little more deeply about what hope might mean in our lives as we prepare for Christmas.
A driving dynamic of Advent is hope. If we had nothing to hope for, there would be no point to this season. The original hope was for a child to be born who would bring justice and peace to the world and who would heal the rift between humanity and God. But that larger hope is filled with smaller ones—daily hopes that can shape us as people.
Some hopes will shape our relationships. The Christ Child grew to be a man who embodied forgiveness and generosity. A life of hope sees the good in others, is patient with their shortcomings, and tenaciously envisions them at their best.
Some hopes will shape our life work. The promised Messiah proclaimed God’s realm of justice and mercy. No matter what jobs we do or work positions we hold, as hopeful people we maintain fairness and integrity as short-term and long-term goals. We make our work matter for the common good.
Some hopes will shape our character. Jesus exemplified hope that cultivates true interior freedom. A hopeful person cannot continue in anxiety, grasping need for control, and habitual anger.
How is hope visible in your life? Where has it faded?
Liturgy / End Of Year Picnic
Our end of year graduation liturgy was held last night and was a beautiful occasion as we bid farewell to our Grade 6 students. It was great to get back to the school and celebrate the year with a family picnic. Thank you to all who attended the liturgy and made the night such a memorable occasion for the children. Thank you also to our RELs, Jayne Brumby and Tanya Stewart for all the hard work they put into the organisation of the liturgy.
Learning Conversations
Last week Learning Conversations were held in the school library. This was a great opportunity for parents, students and teachers to celebrate and discuss overall achievements in 2023. It was also an opportunity to look at future goals as we move into a new school year in 2024. Thank you to all the teachers who put so much time and effort into the preparation of the Learning Conversations and the written progress reports.
Staffing 2024
On Tuesday and Monday of last week, our Grade 6 students spent the day at their chosen secondary school and came back very excited and enthused about the opportunities that lay ahead for them in 2024. We wish all our Grade 6 students well as they make their transition to secondary school.
On Tuesday morning the children in Grades Prep-5 participated in ‘move up day’, spending some time with their new class and teachers for 2024.
Class teachers for 2024 are as follows;
- Prep- Meg Knight and Gemma Churchill
- Grade 1- Judy Carr and Jodie Hassett with Paula Parish overseeing intervention/support
- Grade 2- Matthew O’Dowd and Emma Roberts (4 days) / Amanda DeLorenzo (1 day)
- Grade 3- Elissa Rodger and Deb Holland (4 days) / Liza Alexander (1 day)
- Grade 4 –Kascha Popping and Matt Absalom
- Grade 5- Jade LoRicco and Rachel Downard
- Grade 6- Maegan Potter and Dan Cannon (3 days) / Leah Martin (2 days)
Fun Food Day / Carols On The Courts
Today the children enjoyed further celebrations with a fun food day BBQ and ice-cream, followed by carols on the courts. It was great to see so many families attend and join in the festivities. A big thank you to Lani Black, Luke and Sandra Featherston, Kerrin Darcy, Anna Fay and Amanda Falciola-Barrow who volunteered to cook the BBQ. It was much appreciated by all. Thank you also to Bulla who donated the ice-creams.
First Day 2024
A reminder to everyone that the children’s first day next year will be Tuesday 30thJanuary. Teachers will be participating in professional development on the Monday.
Merry Christmas
This is the final newsletter for this year, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole school community for their support and wish everyone a safe and merry Christmas. Take the time to relax and enjoy this special time of the year with your loved ones.
I look forward to seeing you all return safe and ready for a great 2024!
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Michael Mahoney (Principal)