Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
Term 2 Commencement
As we commence this term, I wanted to start with some important reminders for all members of our college community. By ensuring we set ourselves up for success right from the moment we enter the gate (and even before), this increases our chances of academic success. These reminders include:
- Mobile Phones and Headphones: A reminder about our college-wide Mobile Phone and Headphone Policy. This states that phones and headphones are to be put away in bags and securely stored in lockers from the moment students enter the school site until they leave the site. To support this, parents and carers are asked to only contact their students during the school day when necessary and only via our Main Office.
- Uniform: As we head into the cooler weather, it is important to ensure our students have full and correct uniform each day. Students who arrive at the college out of uniform are expected to have a signed note from their parent/carer to be issued a pass. Students without a note will have uniform breaches and consequences noted. If you need to purchase any new uniform items, Beleza is stocked with the full range, including items for winter, including beanies, puffer vests/jackets, knitted rugby tops and warm jumpers.
- Equipment: It is the expectation across the college that each young person has all equipment for each and every class. This includes a fully stocked pencil case, their LSC diary, books/folders for the subject and any other subject-specific requirements communicated by their teacher. The holidays and beginning of term is an important time for parents and carers to check in with their students to ensure they have all their equipment and purchase any replacement items. If you would also like any further information about laptops (a requirement for students as a 1:1 laptop school), please contact your child’s Team Leader.
Curriculum Day – Berry Street Education Model
On Friday 19th April, we held a student-free day to enable all staff to undertake professional learning and development. This saw staff take part in Day 2 of the Berry Street Education Model training program, a four day program facilitated by experts in trauma-informed education.
The focus for the day was on relationships and how staff and students can build positive relationships focused on learning. Staff engaged with a range of activities and sessions, including everything from how to recognise and praise effort from students through to steps to take to repair any ruptures in relationships.
As a college, we will continue our Berry Street training in Terms 3 and 4, and will commence the work this term in looking at how we as a college will implement our learnings as a whole-school approach.
ANZAC Day Commemorations
On Tuesday 23rd April, our college hosted our annual ANZAC Day commemorative assembly. This year, our college welcomed Zoe Keeffe (Oakleigh Brass), Michael Reardon (President of The Great War Association) and members of The Great War Association as official guests. Our college captains did a fantastic job in leading the assembly which was a solemn and moving occasion.
Students presented a wreath, gave a speech about the significance of the ANZAC legend, read from The Ode and performed both the Australian and New Zealand national anthems. Michael presented a speech using his extensive World War I knowledge to talk about the bravery of the ANZACs and the importance of the day in Australia and the current world. Many students were intrigued by the authentic World War I uniforms the members of the association wore for the occasion, asking lots of questions of the guests afterwards. The Last Post and Rouse were performed beautifully by Zoe for the ceremony, and our students were incredibly well behaved and respectful during the service.
Furthermore, our college captains alongside Student Voice and Agency Leader Ms Simone Giulieri, represented the college at the Cranbourne ANZAC Day service on the public holiday.
Learning Conferences
On Wednesday 24th April, we held our Semester 1 Learning Conferences. We had nearly 1300 bookings, the most since we started using Compass to book these appointments! This equated to over 213 hours of conversations between teachers, parents/carers and students about our young people and their learning. I thank a team of people at the college for their immense work and preparation for the day, as well as all our parents and carers who attended to engage with your young person’s education and support them to grow and improve.
If you were unable to join us for Learning Conferences, we will hold our Semester 2 conferences in Term 3. If you need assistance booking appointments for these, please call or visit our Main Office who will be happy to assist you any way they can.
Upcoming Events
Our Term 2 has lots of exciting events and activities planned for our college community. Please find below some important events for Term 2 to be aware of:
- Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May: Multicultural Week lunchtime activities
- Tuesday 14th May:
- Whole school multicultural assembly
- Free dress – cultural clothing
- Indian Principal delegation visit to LSC
- Wednesday 15th May: Indian Principal delegation visit to LSC
- Monday 10th June: King’s Birthday Public Holiday
- Tuesday 18th June:
- General Achievement Test (GAT) – all students studying a Year 12 VCE or VCE VM subject to attend
- Assessment and Reporting day – student-free day EXCEPT those completing the GAT
We will also be commencing work with both students and families on learning about and selecting subjects for the following year – a process known as course counselling. Keep an eye on Compass and our social media channels for upcoming information evenings and course counselling days for each year level.
Ms Eloise Haynes