Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome back!

It was great to see our students back yesterday. As I walked around the classrooms with some belated birthday lollipops it was interesting to see how quickly the students had settled and were into their learning.


To our Ag Team for their performance at the Moree Show over the weekend!


To our students who represented the school at the ANZAC Day parade and service. Well done especially to our School Captains for laying the wreath and to Sophie and Griffin for speaking in front of such a large audience.

Best wishes!

To our primary students who are competing at the Polding trials this Friday! 

Holiday work around the school

Lots happened around the school in the holidays. We had concreting completed, paving repaired, new printers installed, new signage placed in the Kiss and Drop Zone and our outdoor basketball court upgrade started. Thanks to our staff who worked towards all this happening.

Annual Improvement Plan for Term 2

This term we are focusing on four key strategies from our AIP:

  • Learning prayers of importance
  • Consistent implementation of the LWLW student support framework
  • Reviewing effective lesson structure and the Clarity "Waterfall" chart
  • Inviting families in for enrolment for 2025

School Fees

This term we are beginning a process of reviewing our fee payments. Thank you to all our families who have made the effort to change to BPay with our new finance system. We will be working through our families alphabetically to check the method of payment of the school fees. If you have any questions or concerns regarding fees please email me or contact Cathy in the Front Office to make an appointment to see me.

Real talk in our school this week

This week we are having our annual visit from the "Real Talk" organisation. They will be working with students in Year 4, 6, 7 and 9. They will be be presenting on Online Safety for Year 4,  Love and Life with a focus on puberty for Year 6 and Love and Life with a focus on  consent and respect for Years 7-9.  For


We are working hard on improving our student attendance because every day at school matters. Hopefully all families received an email giving you a snapshot of your child's Term 1 attendance. I would love to know if you felt thhis was benefical information.

We have set a long term goal of having a high attendance level of 90% of students at school 90% of the time. 

Medical Updates

If circumstances have changed with your child's health or medication please contact Emma in the Front Office to update our records and to help us keep your child safe and well.

Mother's Day Breakfast

One of the best events of the year is happening next Friday 10 May - the Mother's Day Breakfast! A flyer will be sent home with details and a RSVP slip to help with catering. We love seeing our mums, nans, stepmums and other important women in our lives.

Mother's Day Stall

Next Friday the P and F will be holding the Mother's Day Stall for all students to buy a gift for their special women. See the P and F section of the newsletter if you are able to help.