Community News

All our kids are unique - of course they are, uniquely made in the image of God! But some have particular, additional needs as students which bring their own challenges.


Towards the end of 2023 a new support group for parents of students with additional needs began meeting. It's designed to be a warm and welcoming space to meet others who share your unique experience of parenting and caring for your kids.

This is what one parent had to say after a recent meeting:

Communities for parenting a child with a disability are essential for the soul. Often whilst parenting a child with a disability, it can feel isolating and overwhelming. To have a community that immediately understands the struggles, the anxiety and the context that we are operating out of is incredibly important. We can sit and share in a safe space with people who understand and want to lift up and walk alongside each other in this unique journey.

First meeting this term is next Thursday, 9 May, at 2pm in the FOD Lounge.

Contact Cordelia via to learn more.

Mums in Business @ Donvale

DCC Mums in Business (MIBS for short) is for all DCC mums who are entrepreneurs, start ups or business owners.


MIBS is a networking and business-focused group to support Christian women running their own business, seeking support, mentoring and accountability. 


Join our monthly meeting in the FOD room at the end of Building A, for great discussion topics, speakers and a coffee!


This month we'll meet on Thursday 16 May, 8.30 - 10am, when the topic under discussion will be Productivity Tools and Organisation.


Queries to Jo Patterson 

Ranges TEC

Ranges TEC is a campus of MECS (Mt Evelyn Christian School). We provide short courses to local schools, as well as the general public. Our vision is to equip and train people for service, stewardship and work in God’s world. For further information or to enrol in a short course, click the link below.

Basketball with Donvale Dunkers

Slamin Tennis

For extra curricular fun! Have a hit.

For enquiries email or call0489 931 075.