German Exchange

Viv Stapleton, Deputy Principal - Director of Christian Foundations

Ash Price, Secondary Teacher

Graham Cheung, Head of Art and Design

Guten Tag (Good day) from the 19 students and 3 staff recently returned from a month’s language and cultural exchange in Germany. It was an immersive, enriching experience for us all. 


One of the most memorable aspects was the homestay experience with a local German family. Living with them, being blessed by their generous hospitality, allowed us to truly immerse in the day-to-day life of Paderborn. There was sharing meals around dinner tables, family outings to soccer games, church, parks, local and distant attractions. Through these interactions, we forged lasting friendships and gained a deeper understanding of German culture and customs. This was guided by our partnership with Droste-Haus Verl and St Michael Gymnasium (school), Paderborn.


Of course, central to the exchange was the opportunity to practice our German skills with native speakers. Through these conversations, all expanded their vocabulary and improved their language proficiency and confidence. While the first week and Easter celebrations centred on time getting to know exchange partners and host families, we were soon off to historic Berlin. 


These days were a memorable whirlwind of exploration, marvelling at graffiti-covered remnants of the Berlin wall, looking skyward through the magnificent dome of the Reichstag, or moving sombrely through memorials designed for reflection and remembrance of past atrocities. 


Each site told a story of Germany's complex past and its journey towards reconciliation and unity. There were photographs at the Brandenburg Gate, night wanderings through cobblestone streets and much sampling of traditional German cuisine at local cafes and markets. Back in Paderborn, we cycled or walked to school through the extremes of changeable spring weather. Can you imagine only five carparks for an entire school?! 


Our students shared presentations about Australian culture and landscapes across different classes and attending classes with their exchange partner. As our time quickly came to an end, we all found ourselves reluctant to say goodbye to new friends and are already looking forward to how we can show our exchange partners all we can of Australian life when they come in September. 


We are grateful to God for a broader perspective of His world and the opportunity to experience unity in the midst of cultural diversity. Our grateful thanks to Frau Samuel for her significant role in organising this adventure, and to staff at St Michael and Droste-Haus. 


You are all wunderbar.