Cyber Safety + Parenting

Brendan Deith, Year 6 Teacher & Head of Learning Innovations 

Has There Ever Been a Bigger Challenge?

Isn’t it fantastic when our children manage their screen time without you asking?


Wait, hang on … does this ever happen?


The online world can be a wonderful place of connection, learning, and creativity. Content is beautifully curated and presented to the point that we can be entertained for hours. We can shop, create smart home routines and set reminders for bin night. However, the online world is also full of potential dangers. As adults, we may know some of the risks the online world poses, but do our children? And do they know what to do or who to turn to should trouble find them?


As parents, our children's safety in the digital realm is an ongoing parental responsibility. Just as we teach them to look both ways before crossing the street, we must guide them through the intricacies of cyberspace. Teaching them about online privacy, the importance of strong passwords, how to identify and avoid scams and setting screen limits are essential skills for all children.


Fostering open communication about online experiences is key. Furthermore, committing those conversations into long lasting habits is the secret sauce. If our children feel comfortable to share any concerns or encounters that make them uncomfortable, it builds trust and empowers them to navigate the online world safely and confidently.


As Christian families, creating and managing ‘tech healthy’ homes is part of the mandate that God places on us as parents. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to 

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old,
he will not depart from it.


See you at the Cyber Safety night on Monday 6th May, 7:30pm at the Multicourt.