Primary Life

Year 1 Immersion

Melanie Eadie - Year 1 Teacher

Our Year One explorers had a wonderful journey of discovery on Immersion Day. We were thrilled to dive into the rich culture of First Australians.


During boomerang painting, students carefully crafted symbols that depict our school values and their own personal connections to different sacred places. We delved into dot painting, discovering the significance of each painting and the meanings that they hold. With the generous assistance of our amazing parent helpers, we were able to enjoy a day of fun and exploration.


"I loved Immersion Day because of the boomerang painting" - Sean Wong


"I liked scratching the pictures to make art" - Letitia Cheng


"I liked when we learned as a whole year level" - Isaac Davies

Year 2 'Old School' Incursion 

Anna Starchenko - Year 2 Team Leader

Year 2 recently had the pleasure of embarking on a journey back in time, all thanks to a special visit from "Mrs. Sargood", who resided in the Rippon Lea estate in Melbourne more than 150 years ago. Everyone came to school in olden day costumes, prepared to delve into the past and experience a day in the life of students from yesteryears.

Mrs. Sargood, with her kind, but stern manner and wealth of knowledge, guided us through a time portal to an olden-day classroom. As we stepped inside, we were transported to a bygone era, complete with the required inspection for clean hands, a classroom photo of Queen Victoria, and quills and inkpots atop each desk.


The students also rotated through workshops during the day – looking at traditional games that were popular among children of the past, including hoops, skipping ropes, marbles and pick up sticks. They were also challenged to create their own peg doll out of cloth scraps and pipe cleaners.


In an age dominated by technology and screens, our incursion with Mrs. Sargood served as a poignant reminder of the importance of embracing simplicity and reconnecting with the past. Through play and exploration, we discovered that the lessons of history are not confined to textbooks but are alive and thriving in the games and traditions of generations past.


Exploring Sculpture at the Heide Museum of Modern Art

Eleanor Roberts - Art Teacher

Year 4 recently embarked on an enlightening excursion to the Heide Museum of Modern Art. Amidst the captivating sculptures, students delved into the techniques and materials artists employ to bring their visions to life. They engaged in a hands-on workshop, honing their skills and learning about sustainable practices in art-making.


Guided by very knowledgeable educators, students roamed the beautiful grounds dotted with a vast array of sculptures, engaging in discussion about what inspired the artists and their creative processes. Their powers of observation were roused and their thoughts and ideas were fantastic.


A highlight of the excursion was the sculpture workshop, where students experimented with basic materials and joining techniques to create their own masterpieces. Amidst laughter and excitement, students explored the challenges and joys of sculptural creation, while staff explored the challenges of how to carry the sculptures back on the bus!


As the day concluded, students departed the museum inspired and enlightened. The Heide excursion was one of discovery and imagination, leaving a lasting impression on all who participated. With beautiful gardens surrounding heritage buildings, diverse and impressive artwork in amongst stunning autumn trees and an onsite cafe, Heide makes a wonderful outing for all ages. Why not have an art adventure there with your family and let the children be your guide!