Choose Kindness

Tanya Vaughan, Deputy Principal - Head of Primary 

In Matthew 22: 37-39, Jesus tells his disciples what the two most important commandments are – firstly, love God; secondly, love your neighbour as you love yourself. 


This term, our Primary wellbeing focus takes a deep dive into the social and emotional world of friendships. We have chosen a theme, CHOOSE KINDNESS, as the overarching idea that we want our students to be known for.


Words are powerful. They can make a person’s day and they can break a person’s day. As we take time to contemplate loving God, loving others and showing kindness, we are taking the time to encourage our students to think about what they say, when they speak and the impact their words can have on another. 


How we engage in conversation when learning alongside others matters. How we speak when playing alongside others matters. How we build up and encourage others when talking with them matters. We want the words that are spoken to bring life, encouragement, hope and love to our community. We want the way we speak to be radically different to the messages that the world speaks out. We want our words to be a demonstration of God’s love and kindness.


When my children were little, I prayed that they would know God and love Jesus and that they would be people who love deeply and show kindness with those they do life with, a prayer that I continue to pray! As I write, it’s late at night and my daughter has just popped in to tell me that she’s going out the front to pray with a friend who’s feeling sad after an event today. It’s lovely when you see the fruits of answered prayers… sometimes straight away, but in my experience, sometimes after a season of waiting. 


In the same way, I encourage you to join us in praying for your children, that they too might come to understand the power of God’s love and demonstrate this in the way that they live – through their words, through their actions and by CHOOSING KINDNESS each day.


Staff news:


It is my delight to let you know that Mrs Rebekkah Birch and her husband, Josh, are expecting their first baby. Rebekkah will continue providing Literacy Support to students in Y3/4 until the end of the term before heading off for parental leave.


We were also delighted to hear of the news that Mrs Bernie McKendry is also expecting a baby, and she and her husband Scott look forward to welcoming their little one in September. Please join us in giving thanks to God for these precious gifts.