Our Staff 

Our much adored IT Assistant, Zac, during Fire Warden training last Friday.

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Welcoming our new staff

Jacinta Beer

Hi, I’m Jacinta. I’m a graduate secondary teacher excited to be starting my teaching career at St Anne’s College.


I teach both English and Science, which I have been told many times is an interesting combination. But I just enjoy having different things.


I grew up in the Shepparton area, and in my free time I enjoy reading and writing when my cat is not demanding all my attention.

Staff Professional Development

While our students enjoyed a student free day last Friday, our staff undertook some informative professional development and essential safety training.


Teaching staff attended sessions with Karina Walker from Brick by Brick. Karina works in the field of Autism and Mental Health and is based out of Benalla. Staff thoroughly enjoyed the session and took away some key learnings around the topic. 


While Karina was delivering her engaging program, our administration team undertook essential Fire Warden training where they practiced with equipment and drills to keep their skills up to date. Fire Warden training is essential to maintaining the college's evacuation procedures during times of fire and other emergencies. 

St Anne’s College staff 2024


Principal - Susan Carroll

Deputy Principal: Community Wellbeing - Kate McGrath

Deputy Principal: Learning and Teaching - Cherie Boltong



Elizabeth Holligan eholligan@sackialla.catholic.edu.au



General inquiries office@sackialla.catholic.edu.au

Finance inquiries finance@sackialla.catholic.edu.au



Staff 2024