Upcoming College Events

Please note: from 8:30-8:55am, there will be an opportunity for a photo and special Mother's Day activity with your child before the children move into their learning day and the wonderful women move off to have a special treat with the other wonderful women of the St Anne's College community. 


Don't forget to RSVP via the QR code above or email communications@sackialla.catholic.edu.au 




Following the implementation of the Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2022, the number of student free days will increase from 12 to 14 in 2024. 


Under the policy, primary schools are allowed nine student free days and secondary schools and P-12 settings are allowed 14 days. This is in line with the CES Ltd Policies and Procedures.



    6: Term 2 PSGs

    7: SOW Foundation Fire Education - Session 2

    7: Yr 9-12 GMDSSV Winter Sports Carnival

    8-10: SOP Justice Matters Camp

    8: Term 2 PSGs

    9: Yr10 Assessing liveability

    9: Scuola Italiana Classes

    9: St Mel's Parish Sacramental Program 2024 

  10: Yr 5 Badminton

  10: Yr 11 & 12 GMDSSV Basketball Carnival

  10: Mother's Day Event - Wonderful Women's Cuppa & Catch-up

  13-15: Yr 10 Melbourne City Camp

  13: Yr 10 Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine

  16: GSCC One Tree Per Child Project 

  16: Scuola Italiana Classes

  17: Yr 9-12 GMDSSV Badminton Carnival

  17: SOI Assembly

Please check the college calendar regularly for up to date information.

2024 Term Dates

Term 1: January 29 to March 28 

Term 2: April 15 to June 28

Term 3: July 15 to September 20 

Term 4: October 7 to December 20