From the Principal

Benvenuto - Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,


Last Friday we had the absolute privilege of spending the day with Karina Walker from Brick by Brick. Karina has an incredible wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience in the realm of Autism and Mental Health. Karina was an engaging presenter and staff had the opportunity to learn and deepen their understanding of the world of the young person living with Autism. 


Some of the themes from the day included: 

  • Learning about Karina’s story
  • Key behavioural aspects of Autistic individuals
  • Identifying key tools and communication styles for the teaching toolkit
  • Challenges in the classroom
  • Preventing escalation and managing expectations
  • Meltdown or Overwhelm?

The feedback from the attending staff was overwhelmingly positive and useful for informing and supporting educators in the classroom. We hope to continue an ongoing relationship with Karina for future learning opportunities and support. 


Last week, Year 10 student Alick Jarvis competed at the state level in swimming. Alick made it through to the state stage after competing at both the district and regional levels. Alick came 6th in the state in the 50 metre butterfly. Congratulations on your continuing success in the field of swimming Alick!


Road Safety is an important topic for us to continue to revisit and remind ourselves of the need to follow the rules to keep ourselves and others safe. We have noticed lately, a number of community members riding bikes and scooters without a helmet on. In Victoria, anyone riding a bike must wear a proper fitting bike helmet that meets the Australian/New Zealand safety standard. Further information regarding road rules for riding bikes can be found at this VicRoads link. By wearing our helmets we are being respectful of the road rules and being our best. 


This week, staff and the Advisory Council had the opportunity to participate in sessions to provide feedback to CES Ltd as part of the Principal Appointment Process. This was a chance for people to have some input about the strengths, challenges and opportunities that currently exist so that the Principal Selection Panel can better understand the context of the college as it works to appoint a new Principal for St Anne’s College. 


All families are also invited to participate in the feedback survey using the following link:

Please click on the following link to complete the short three-question 



It was very exciting to see the slab go down for the next stage of building for our Technologies area. The groundworks have been going for some time, but now we can actually see the footprint of the build emerging – what a fascinating process. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.


Susan Carroll
