College Advisory Council 

Week 8 of Term 2 held the opportunity for the St Anne's Advisory Council's workshop meeting. These meetings are held four times each school year. The workshops are less formal than the committee's regular meetings and provide a chance to delve deep into issues surrounding the school community, looking for areas of opportunity and improvement.


We had the pleasure of welcoming two new members, Brenda Keenan our new St Mel's Parish Representative and Trish Mathisen as our representative from Catholic Education Sandhurst. We look forward to sharing the wealth of knowledge they bring to the table.


We would like to report on the following matters:

  • It’s been observed many children riding bikes and scooters to school are not wearing helmets. We encourage all children to wear a helmet, as required by law, and ride safely while travelling to and from the College.
  • We discussed the Welcome BBQ held at the school during week four and acknowledged the attendance of many teachers and families. With beautiful weather and sausages on offer, it was a well received event for all in attendance. That being said, we did also discuss other options that may be worth exploring for future events which may suit families with differing availabilities.  
  • Feedback was offered on College communication methods, styles, timing, and effectiveness. We discussed PAM, the newsletter, and Facebook and what could be done to improve the user experience for parents and carers. We spoke about what seemed to work and where we could build upon.
  • We considered the requirements of senior students in relation to their timetables and advance notice of any relevant dates to their studies. We noted the importance of organisation and administrative support during these important years.
  • We reviewed the latest revision of the School Improvement Plan and went into detail on the Annual Action Plan.

Sadly, we said goodbye to our Deputy Chair, Clint O’Brien, this being his last meeting. Clint has been a wonderful asset to the Advisory Council; we’ve valued his input over the past 15 months and thank him for all of his efforts to date.


There is currently an open position for a parent representative on the Advisory Council. Anyone who is interested should get in contact with Nancy Minicozzi, Executive Assistant or an Advisory Council Member.

St Anne's College Advisory Council 2024

The St Anne’s College Advisory Council members are:

Ex-officio members:

Sue Carroll - Principal

David Villani - Business Manager

Fr Rene Ramirez & Fr Ruel Desamparado - St Mel's Parish

Brenda McKeenan – Catholic Education Sandhurst Executive Director appointment

Chair: Zara Stratton

Deputy Chair: 

Representative members:

Trish Mathisen - CES

Brenda Keenan - St Mel's Parish 

General members:

Kim Daldy

Tunya Jarvis

Jodie Taylor

Elizabeth Jones

The St Anne’s College Advisory Council is a team of representatives from the school parent community, St Mel’s Parish, Catholic Education Sandhurst, and St Anne’s Leadership and Administration faculty, brought together through a vision to support the growth of the school and learning outcomes for all those who attend. We aim to provide a voice for the school community and stakeholders.


Advisory Committee members volunteer their time to meet formally twice each term with the view to discuss the issues that shape the vision and strategic direction of the college, and to support the work of our Principal, Sue Carroll. We also come together outside of these times where the need arises. 


Advisory Committee Members share a motivation to be involved in our beautiful College and to support the growth and development of the facilities. Whilst there is no requirement to have a specific skill set, we each have a passion to ensure the best outcomes for the college students.


Members come from a range of backgrounds in the hopes that we may represent the school community in a fair and balanced manner. When nominations are open for new members, we welcome nominations from all who feel they could contribute in a meaningful way.

Whilst members don’t have to be of the Catholic faith, we are guided by the college’s Catholic principles and expect members to be supportive of the college’s Catholic identity.


We are an advisory group for the Principal and we are in no way there to make operational changes to the school. Our consultation is sought in the view to provide support and advice in areas of strategic planning and school improvement.

Advisory Council members are elected for a three year term and governed by our Terms of Reference. A member of the parent community resides in both the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson role.