Classroom News 


Hands On Science Incursion

On Tuesday, 7th May, Hands on Science visited our Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students. The students used their sight and hearing to learn more about the properties of light and sound. 


Investigating 'opaque', 'translucent', and 'transparent' objects: 

Investigating 'diffraction' and 'refraction': 

Investigating 'vibrations' and 'pitch': 

Making our own box guitars and noise makers: 

Year 1

In Art last Friday, we made a card for our Mums using a spatter technique - where you flick the paint off the brush onto the paper. Very messy but fun. But Sshhh! Don't tell the Mums!!


Today we also made a beautiful artwork as a gift for our mums, made with our handprint and real flowers and plants!

Year 2/3

Year 3/4


Last week Officer Andy came to talk with us about being safe online. He showed us how quickly you could create a false ID using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how easy it was for bad people to pretend to by your friend. Your online friends should be people you have actually met in person. 

He also talked about usernames and that it was important to create usernames that don't have your name, age or your location in them. Another thing he told us was to not give out our personal information - name, address, age, pictures that show your school or club logos or names and never ever send a personal photo of yourself. If you are unsure of anything you should speak to a trusted adult or ring the Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800.


Last week we started our Religion Unit 'Families', and the students have begun to bring in items that are special to their family. 


Georgia has been sharing with us the tradition of making special pastries for the Greek Easter celebrations and a camera that is special to her family. 

Raffaela brought in a bowl that is special to the family because it belonged to her grandmother and it is 62 years old. 

Mia has shared with us a photo of her grandparents and a wall hanging that protects the family from evil spirits. 

I shared a meal with the Year 3/4s, discussing with them my families tradition of having a Chinese meal at Christmas time in memory of my Chinese ancestors. 


Year 4/5              Chemical Change!

For our Inquiry topic called “Chemical Change”, we are doing interesting experiments. One was on melting ice blocks. We decided to melt the ice block with salt. We thought it would take about 10 minutes to melt but it took a whopping 25 minutes to melt!   

Nirav, Azariah and Cody


This term, our Inquiry topic is about solids, liquids and gasses. Our last experiment was about what was the fastest way of melting an ice cube. Our group had to put an ice cube in our mouth and see how long it would take to melt. It was an awesome experiment to do, although it made our mouths numb!    Natalie, Stephanie and Jasmine


We had so much fun when we did an experiment with ice cubes. Our group melted an ice cube in a pan over heat. We tried to melt the ice cube as fast as possible. It melted faster because we put a lid over the top of the pan. It took 26 seconds.   Tiffany, Kaitlyn and Lauren

This week we did an experiment on how to melt an ice block the fastest way. Our group had to use the microwave. The first time we used the microwave, it took 45 seconds to melt an ice cube. Then another ice cube took 37 seconds to melt and the last ice cube took one minute to melt. We figured out the reason why it took less time for the second ice cube to melt was because the bowl that the ice cube was in, was already hot. So with the last ice cube, we used a cold bowl for the ice cube. So that is why it took more time to melt. We all love doing these experiments!   Aleshia, Tristan and Shamus


On Tuesday, we did a scientific experiment on ice. Our group used hot water to melt the ice cube. It took one minute to melt the first time. But we needed it to melt faster. So we decided a faster way was by using a spoon to stir the water around another ice cube. This time the ice cube melted faster! It took 20 seconds for it to melt! But we saw that the bowl that the ice cubes was in, was always hot and it was supposed to be cold. We tried this strategy and it took longer - it took 30 seconds. So in the end, the fastest way was using a spoon to stir the ice cube in the hot water. We love science! 

Callix, Allie and Rafaele


Year 5/6

What a week!!!

Weeks in Term 2 really ramp up and this week has been no exception; assemblies, incursions, Interschool Sport and of course...Italian Day. A big thanks to all parents and guardians who spent time to dress your child up in rosso, verde e bianco!

Italian Day Buddies!!
Italian Day Buddies!!

Thanks so much Signora for yesterday's incredibly successful Italian Day. Food, fun and frivolity were the key takeaways for the day and the students we actively engaged the whole day. A big shout out to Alex Mateski and all the other Student Leaders who went above and beyond their duties to help make sure the day was a success. Great Leadership shown by all! 

Alex leading a multi aged group
Great leadership Fortunato!
Onella and Harper teaching!!
The Natural Organiser ~ Jacob Galvin- King
Great job Connor Ricardo!
Alex leading a multi aged group
Great leadership Fortunato!
Onella and Harper teaching!!
The Natural Organiser ~ Jacob Galvin- King
Great job Connor Ricardo!

Student Teacher ~ Welcome Back Monica! 

Always great when ex students return to Sacred Heart to say g'day. Even better when they return as university students wanting to become primary teachers themselves. Means we must have done something right!? This week the Year 5/6's welcomed back past student Monica Bogdanoski who is doing her three week placement at our school. Great to have you in the class, Monica. Apart from planning and delivering lessons, a big thanks for her putting together and updating out Writer's Gallery exhibition. LOOKS GREAT!!

Writer's Notebook
Published pieces
Our 5/6 Writing Gallery
Writer's Notebook
Published pieces
Our 5/6 Writing Gallery

Writer's Notebook

Writing continues to be a constant thrum of ideas and plans and publishing across a range of genres in the Year 5/6 classroom. Here's just a few pieces published this week....



May 2024

Dear Andy,


Don’t know if you remember but I wrote to you when I was in Year 4 and you wrote back to me!!!

I loved reading your new book The 169 Treehouse Storey! It was action packed but there were some things that looked different, like Jill’s outfit. Her outfit was a black t-shirt and a patterned dress. But now she looks more different than when she was in The 13 Storey Treehouse.

Secondly, why did you and Terry add a stupid hat level? When I saw it, the hats were funny but instead of naming it The Stupid Hat Level, why not change it to The Silly Hat Level or The Hilarious Hat Level? So please edit it because it will make everyone swear (do it, OR ELSE!).

Thirdly, the counting hat, well it's a little cool but I’m thinking that you describe how the hat is counting like for example “The counting hat is counting all the money by tens, Terry '' I say”. So maybe add some more describing words to describe how it's counting.

Fourthly, I think the next book will be called The 182 Storey Treehouse. I know! It may take a lot of work but you and Terry can build a level which has a school for Andy and Terry clones (except the real Andy and Terry), TT ( Treehouse Trams) a 24 hour tram service around the treehouse and far! and a glowing robot level where everyone can watch. So I hope you edit those and good luck on the new book !


By Roery Villegas 

Year 6

Sacred Heart Preston



by Katelin Haley

 Canberra, a city full of wonders, a place of hot air balloons, and the puffer jacket capital. But  wait, where is this spectacular place?


Where is Canberra?

Canberra is located in the southern hemisphere … Australia! 

Canberra is in the north east side of Australia, above Melbourne and below Sydney, in fact Canberra is Australia's capital. But how?


How did Canberra become the capital of Australia?

Well in the nineteen hundreds, specifically the twelfth of March, nineteen thirteen, the country couldn’t decide if Melbourne or Sydney should be Australia’s capital. The country then settled on making a new place, a city to be fully exact. The new city was placed under Sydney but above Melbourne right in the middle, then lady Denman, the wife of the Governor General announced, ”I hereby name the capital of Australia Canberra!”  


What astounding wonders does Canberra have?

Canberra has many things to do, but one of the best things is going to the War Memorial. This Memorial has a four point eight star rating and is Free! (Let the parents be relieved) I, personally think that it’s best to go on Anzac day or Remembrance day. Then, there’s also the Questacon-National Science and Technology Centre or just Questacon for short. Questacon has a four point six star rating but it costs twenty four dollars and fifty cents but it’s worth it. So kids get ready to spend money!  


So in conclusion Canberra is an extravagant place to visit, and there’s even some mystery myths that have not yet been tested  … YET!  So, will you visit Canberra next holiday or even better will you move in?

 The Shrine of Remembrance And its History

by Izaac Patricio Rocha


Hello readers, today we dive into a report about the Shrine of Remembrance.


What is inside the Shrine of Remembrance?

Inside the Shrine of Remembrance holds 4000 medals from ANZAC’s it also has over 800 objects, photographs,uniforms, works of art from prisoners and paintings that illustrate the experiences of the First World War.


When and why was the Shrine of Remembrance built?

The reason the Shrine of Remembrance was built was to provide a place to grieve and to remember the Victorians that were killed in World War 1 and 2. It provides a place of remembrance for Australian servicemen and women and sacrifice in all wars since Australia’s Federation in 1901. The foundation stone was first laid on the 11 of November 1927 and the Shrine was finished on 11 November 1934.

What objects or statues hold the most significance? 

For me two statues and one flame hold the most significance;  the eternal flame, the father and son and soldiers   carrying their dead comrade.                    What the father and son is meant to mean is to honor the courage and sacrifice of the two generations who served and died in the first and second world war. 

What the soldiers carrying their comrade means is that everyone loses in war, even if you won the war you've lost countless lives 

and the last one is the eternal flame. The eternal flame symbolizes an eternal soul for those who had served and died in the war. The eternal flame has been adopted as a worldwide symbol of 

remembrance, they burn or glow at war memorials right around the world.


In the end the Shrine of Remembrance is a very educational place to learn about world war one and two.


Maths ~ Tantalising Tessellations


Family Week next week

You child has been asked to bring in a family momento that symbolizes family for you.

Today Yianna brought in a fishing rod and spoke about wonderful times her family spends together by the beach, on the boat and catching fish!

Marty's momento.
Marty's momento.

This pearl shell is special to me and my family. If it wasn't for pearls, Terri (my wife) and I would never have gotten married. Her dad came from Japan in 1951 to dive for pearls, so he could send money back to Japan for his family. He met a local girl and together had Terri. This pearl shell represents family, hard work and Broome, the town where we met. 


Italian day

Ciao a tutti,

On Italian Day, everyone had a fantastic time! The school buzzed with excitement as students arrived, and we kicked off the festivities with a lively parade featuring beautiful Italian costumes and traditional songs. We couldn’t resist dancing to “Ballo Di Qua Qua” the beloved duck song, and the highlight was seeing Nonno and Nonna (Bethany and Marty) twirl around the dance floor, much to the delight of the children.

Throughout the day, students immersed themselves in Italian culture through various activities and sampled delicious Italian cuisine. From making bruschetta to crafting Carnevale masks and playing games like “Pin the Nose on Pinocchio”, there was something for everyone. The production “Dammi il Cinque” kept us entertained as we danced and sang while learning about Rome’s history.



The luncheon featuring pizza and gelato was a hit, and we extend a heartfelt thank you-Grazie-to the parents who volunteered their time. In the afternoon, the children enjoyed soccer clinics- organised by James. It was great to see them trying new things and embracing the experience.


These memorable days would not be possible without the collaboration of parents, staff and students. Mille grazie a tutti!