
Poetry competition

When: Friday 17 May

The Berthe Mouchette French Poetry Competition is fast approaching. Due to the 'Student-Free Day' on 24 May, the competition will now take place on Friday 17 May. As last year, students will be reciting their poems virtually in front of an examiner on Zoom. The exact timings of recitals will be announced closer to the date.

Term 2 French topics

View an overview of the French topics covered this term for those of you who wish to provide extra support from home. We have included links to songs and resources from these topics which you can enjoy learning together.


For students in Years 3 to 6, we strongly encourage using LanguageNut at home to support their learning. LanguageNut offers students the opportunity to enhance their language skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Each student has a unique username and password. Feel free to contact us if a reminder of this information is needed.