Meet our year 3 teachers

Miss Susannah

(3A and Team Leader: Mon, Tues, Wed)

I'm very excited to be teaching in Year 3 this year with a fabulous team of teachers. I have been teaching at PMPS for 9 years, which sounds like a really long time now that I write it down! 


Some annual highlights on the PMPS calendar include staff versus student netball match and Book Week. 


When I'm not in 3AB, I have 3 young kids, George (6), Maisie (4) and Hattie (2) who keep life very busy. We love to head away on the weekends, along the Victorian coast or up to my family farm. To get myself through a busy week I read, go to pilates, cook something delicious and spend time with friends. I get footy fever during a Melbourne winter and get along to support the mighty Dee's as much as possible. I'm looking forward to an exciting 2024 at PMPS!

  • What I'm reading right now: Tom Lake by Ann Pachett
  • Favourite sport: Tennis and AFL
  • My favourite subject (when I was at school): Psychology
  • How long I've taught at PMPS: 9 years.

Miss Alex

(3A Thurs-Fri)

I am SO excited to have the same cohort again and now to teach these students in Year 3 is just the best news. 


My little Westie Max is now a big 3 year old and although research would suggest he should have completely calmed down by now, he is still a cheeky puppy who loves chewing my shoes. 


I love to read and try new recipes, and I’m still enjoying my weekly cardio tennis! I am looking forward to my 10th year at PMPS. I teach 3A Thursdays & Fridays.

  • What I'm reading right now: Yellowface by R.F Kuang
  • Favourite sport: Swimming & Tennis
  • My favourite subject (when I was at school): Geography
  • How long I've taught at PMPS: 10 years.

Mr Alex


Hi everyone, I'm Mr Alex and I have taught at PMPS for roughly 2 years. My first year and a half was spent in Year 4, and I am now teaching Year 3. 


Like Mr Heath I also had dreams of another career. Although I was more realistic and aspired to become a model. After the career didn't take off for reasons still unknown, I decided to become a teacher, which I have loved so far. 


Since returning at the start of the year, it's been great being a part of the school community again. Including some great friendships with the staff. I try to stay fairly active, and love being outdoors. Surfing is one of my favourite pastimes on weekends and holidays. I also hit the gym regularly to build my biceps, or run, ride and swim before school if I have time. 


When I'm not doing these things or at school, I try to spend as much time as possible with my friends, family and pet dog "Mr Garry". If you see me around, feel free to say hi. 

  • What I'm reading right now: City of Thieves, David Benioff
  • Favourite sport: Surfing, Basketball and AFL
  • My favourite subject (when I was at school): Physical Education, Outdoor Education
  • How long I've taught at PMPS: 2 years.

Miss Poppy


I am from England and moved to Melbourne almost 10 years ago. This will be my tenth year teaching at PMPS. I am 36 years old and I live in Melbourne with my fiancé. Living in the city is fab because there is always so much to do! 


When I am not at school I love to draw and colour, listen to music, catch up with friends for lunch, and read LOTS of books!

  • What I'm reading right now: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy
  • My favourite subject (when I was at school): Art and Textiles
  • How long I've taught at PMPS: 10 years.

Miss Rebecca


Kia Ora/Hello everyone! I am Miss Rebecca and I semi-recently moved to Melbourne from New Zealand. Although I love New Zealand, my partner and I wanted to live in a big dynamic city which Melbourne has definitely delivered on. I have been teaching at PMPS since moving here and absolutely love it. 


In my free time you'll find me exploring new places, eating out after a gym class, doing something creative (currently painting), and having board game nights with friends. During the school holidays I try to travel overseas, my last trip was to Japan over the summer holidays, which was incredible. Come chat with me if you have any recommendations on where my next trip should be (I'm thinking Europe but could be persuaded otherwise). 

  • What I'm reading right now: The Dictionary of Lost Words by Philippa Williams (I'm going to attempt to read it during term time, wish me luck).
  • Favourite sport: When I'm able to I love to ice-skate and ski (regardless of the bruises they seem to attract). 
  • My favourite subject (when I was at school): Art, geography and social studies. 
  • How long I've taught at PMPS: One year so far!