Education Support Day!

Next Thursday 16th May

Education Support Day is celebrated each year on May 16th and honours the remarkable contribution that Education Support (ES) Staff make to education around the world.

ENPS 2024 Education Support Team Back Row: Emma, Kiera, Cassie, Fran, Darcy, Joseph, Joanna, Teresa. Front Row: Stacey, Karen, Kathryn, Julie, Jan, Angela. (Not pictured: Annelise, Laura, Chantelle, Brigitte, Jen)
ENPS 2024 Education Support Team Back Row: Emma, Kiera, Cassie, Fran, Darcy, Joseph, Joanna, Teresa. Front Row: Stacey, Karen, Kathryn, Julie, Jan, Angela. (Not pictured: Annelise, Laura, Chantelle, Brigitte, Jen)


At ENPS, our ES staff comprise of our office, library, grounds, newsletter and classroom aides. In so many ways, our ES keep the ENPS wheels rolling, pouring heart and soul into their roles and bringing a positive, caring, can-do attitude to school each and every day. We would be lost without this incredible team, and in the lead up to Education Support Day we asked our teachers for thoughts on our treasured ES Staff. It was impossible to choose a sample of comments for publishing - so we added all of them! SO much love!

Messages of Thanks

I'm grateful for our wonderful ES because they help support our most vulnerable students!


They are pivotal in the day-to-day operations of our school and our staff and students are so lucky to have them as part of the ENPS community!


They go above and beyond to make our students feel included and safe at school. 


I am amazed by their commitment for supporting students both academically and from a wellbeing perspective.


Because they are what keep our wheels turning, making sure everything runs smoothly and all of our students feel supported!


Thank you to the amazing, talented and fabulous ES staff at ENPS! You are all such kind, supportive and positive people who give so much back to our students and our school community.


The support they show by simply checking in.


They are all angels of knowledge, compassion, expertise, caring and collaboration who support teachers, students and families.


They are so lovely and supportive and help out heaps.


I am so very grateful to the ES Staff that pop in with the students as they assist students achieve their very best artwork - they are there to rephrase, rework instructions, they are there close hand to supervise when students are using unfamiliar materials, they redirect when attention spam is limited, can go out with the students when a break is needed. ES staff are so invaluable for the student that they are assisting but also for the other students. One more thing, I love it when the ES staff join in and get creative themselves. Thank you for being a part of, and enjoying, the lessons you share with the students.


Without you, our jobs would be so much harder. You are always so calm and always ready to help out where needed.


ES staff simply ‘Rock Our World’ and I for one would be lost without mine!!! They are the silent Superheroes and I appreciate them so, so much x

Angela, Jan, Karen, Kathryn, Joanna, Stacey, Cassie, Annelise, Laura, Chantelle and Brigitte our Classroom Aides are amazing because:

They are an incredibly valuable asset in the classroom, working alongside teachers to support a range of student needs.


They are flexible, focused and are so helpful to students and teachers!


They go above and beyond to help out and make sure everyone is supported!


The infectious positivity and kindness the ES all bring.


Their flexibility and can do attitudes.


You are all so generous with your time!


Always come to school with a smile and positivity and very supportive. Rays of SUNSHINE!!!


They're wonderful people and super helpful in the classroom.


Their openness and flexibility. Their willingness to go above and beyond. Their capacity to think ahead.


You are helpful, dedicated, kind and generous by nature.


We are so appreciative of Karen's support - we couldn't do it without her!


Jo, thank you for your support this year! Thank you for always being so flexible and accommodating to best support myself, Samantha and our students 😊 Your positivity is always welcomed in our space!

Julie, our Library Technician is amazing because:

I love that Julie always has excellent book recommendations and is constantly updating and refining our library collection.


Her passion for great literature is infectious!


Julie, your high organisation skills are in the upper echelon of all library technicians and we are so fortunate to have you!


Chatting about books for kids and adults alike.


Her positivity, friendliness and patience with students is highly recognised and students love their library sessions.


She's knowledgeable, funny, great for a chat and gets the best books to expand little minds!


I love Julie's passion for all things books but I also love her passion for the creative aspects of literature.


Sharing your love of reading with our students and your exceptional bell DJ-ing skills.

Kiera, our School Nurse is amazing because:

You organise all things first aid for excursions!


Nurse Kiera is always ready to tackle first aid and her calmness helps our students feel at ease when they visit the First Aid room.


I am always filled with confidence when I send students to first aid. Kiera is kind, knowledgeable and a safe pair of hands.


She is always there to help our students when they need it most to ensure they can return to action!


Kiera, you are a superstar and how lucky are we to have someone with your expertise assist all first aid matters. You are supportive and always so positive.


Always there to save the day when making first aid decisions.


Her friendliness and calmness with the students is exemplary!!!!


She's super in the know about all things medical and fantastic in a triage situation!


Kiera is kind, caring and quick thinking.


With Kiera being in the First Aid room, the staff, students, parents and the whole ENPS community feel a sense that if there is an emergency, we will be well looked after. She is also very patient and kind with the smallest types of everyday 'emergencies'.

Joseph in Grounds and Maintenance is amazing because:

The grounds look impeccable each and every day thanks to Joseph!


He is forever making our grounds look amazing and always ready to lend a hand!


I love that Joseph looks after our school grounds and is always helpful. He also brings the vibe at school events! I loved his costume during the Walk-a-thon day.


He keeps our school looking amazing!


Joseph, you are the gatekeeper to the school. Any time there is an OHS issue or classroom furniture concern you are promptly on hand, willing to help out. We are so lucky to have you and the students are always wanting to win your award each week.


Our chats about all things bike related.


What's not amazing about Joseph? He does it all!


Joseph is always willing to assist with practically everything. For the art program, Joseph is a valuable and knowledgeable asset.


Always hard-working, taking pride in our school grounds and happy to assist with any classroom issue that needs attendance.


Wow, what can we not say about our amazing grounds and maintenance extraordinaire. He is simply the BEST!!!!!

Darcy, Emma, Teresa, Stacey, Fran and Jen from our Business Management / extended Office Teams are amazing because:

Their smiles and positive vibes are infectious.


The office team works like a well oiled machine. They are helpful, happy and bring such a positive vibe to our school.


They bring all the happiness and warmth as soon as you enter the ENPS doors!


Thank you for solving ALL the problems of the world - always!


What better way to enter the school than being greeted by our wonderful Office Team!


Teresa, Emma, Darcy, Fran, Jen - you are all incredible people that bring the positive vibes to ENPS each day. To have such a team of supportive, expert and willing to help with anything attitude you all just make our school the most vibrant environment to be in and it is a pleasure to work with you all. We all greatly appreciate each and every single one of you.


No request is ever too difficult.


They're funny, organised, more than a bit cheeky and great value all around.


Fun! Fun! Fun! Welcoming every morning and a smile for when you leave. They are always ready to assist and so very knowledgeable.


Fun, friendly, always bringing the vibes!


The Dream Office Team who always greets everyone with a happy smile and brings so much joy, positivity and energy to ENPS. Every person in the office is always so supportive and caring. Mr Darcy you are AMAZING and AWESOME who is ALWAYS there for EVERYONE!!!

Happy Education Support Day, ES Team. Our school wouldn't be the same without you!  
