Principal's Message 

There has been so much to celebrate over the past two weeks. Our VIP Mother’s Day morning today was a lovely event. The sun was shining and it was lovely to see all our mothers, step-mums, grandmothers, aunties, mother figures, role models and special people come along. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us. I certainly had lots of fun on the oval with the other Year One VIPs playing gaga ball, soccer and skipping! A fitting morning to open up our classrooms and connect with families, and a timely to do so as we also celebrate Education Week in Victorian schools too! 


We also had great success with our boys and girls Basketball Victoria 3x3 Hooptime teams, last week representing ENPS at the regional competition. Congratulations to both teams, with an extra celebration for our girls team now progressing to the State Championships in two weeks time. Well done to all involved and a shout out to Lana Harris as their ENPS coach! 

Our Senior Hooptime 3x3 players: Rye, Archie, Neel, Elle, Willow, Milly, Chase and Atilla
Our Senior Hooptime 3x3 players: Rye, Archie, Neel, Elle, Willow, Milly, Chase and Atilla

Staffing Update

In more staff baby news, we have another ENPS baby on the way! Congratulations to Sian Wilson and her partner, Taylah, who are welcoming their baby boy in October. That's three babies on the way this year! 

House Team Uniform Preview

In very exciting news, at the end of last week we were over the moon to receive the sample preview our four new House Team uniform shirts! And the look INCREDIBLE! We are so very proud of the time, process and belief that has gone into this project and cannot wait for them to be available for everyone. Unfortunately the manufacturing process will take some time, however we do hope to have them available through PSW at some stage in Term Four. We will certainly have a very special event to launch the designs along with our favourite artist, Dean Sainsbury-Smith, and the Wurundjeri Council.


Our House Team Captains were so excited to see the sample uniforms and try them on! The even made a special Acknowledgement of Country video so they could wear them with pride, knowing that due to Interschool sport on Fridays, that they would be missing the next few assemblies to show them off in person! Check out the video on the following page!

Student Toilet Works Update

It is almost time!!!! This week we have had our another walk through of the new student toilets. We are so excited to have them open in the coming weeks. A few lucky students even got to have a sneak peek. Aria and Stephanie from Year Five were super excited to share the updated photos at assembly this afternoon, while Lucia (FLH) thought they were the absolute best and Tomi, Ryder and Angus (1EG) were keen to try out the new smaller height basins and fancy hand dryers! 


There are a few final touches still to be made, including a modification to the mirrors (as they are too high for our smaller students!) and all will be operational. Once finished we will farewell the relocatable toilets, being moved offsite (hopefully) soon. Fingers crossed it won’t be too much longer! 

Understanding Learning and Teaching at ENPS

We are excited to expand on our community's understanding of learning and teaching at ENPS this week in our newsletter by sharing more about what we do at ENPS, why we do it, and how what we do has an impact on our learners across our school. We encourage our parents and carers to learn about these areas through our newsletter segments providing information and sharing updates about the CIS and IB PYP at ENPS, as well as understanding more about what teaching of Mathematics, Literacy, units of inquiry and wellbeing involves across our classrooms.

Education Support Staff Appreciation Day

An early shout out too to all of our amazing Education Support (ES) staff at ENPS! Next Thursday 16th May is ES Appreciation Day across Victorian schools, and we certainly appreciate all of our ES staff at ENPS! ES staff include our amazing Business Management Team (Darcy, Emma and Teresa), our fabulous nurse Kiera, our Grounds and Maintenance Manager Joseph, Library Technician Julie, our incredible classroom assistants; Kathryn, Ange, Jan, Karen, Joanna, Stacey, Cassie, Laura, Chantelle, Brigette and Annelise, our marvellous IT Technician Jen, and the fantastic Fran, as our Newsletter Editor! Our ES team really are the backbone of our school and we would be lost without them. Next week, we look forward to celebrating them all and showing our appreciation to each of them. I encourage our community members to take a moment to do the same! 


Wishing all of our ENPS mothers, mother figures, grandmothers and special people a wonderful Mother’s Day this Sunday. A very special Mother’s Day to all of our staff at ENPS who each and every day are tremendous role models (and are called mum way too times too!) for our students. 


Have a fantastic weekend everyone and stay safe and well.






Kate Barletta
