School Captains

Wominjeka everyone! 


We hope everyone has had a great few weeks. We would personally like to thank the Year Fives for exceptionally displaying their Leaders in the Making qualities and leadership skills while they took over us, School Captains, during the past few assemblies, and they will continue to do so for the following few as well. This is because the Year Sixes have been participating in Round One and Two of Interschool sports. The Year Sixes came up against St Vincent’s Primary School in AFL, Soccer, Netball and T-ball in Round One and Strathmore North Primary School in Round Two. Some of you might’ve seen us play, because Round Two was a home game. It felt good to be on a familiar ground with our own students there to cheer us on. While there were mixed results, everyone enjoyed themselves. Well done to everyone that participated and tried their best!


This Thursday, the Year Sixes went to a Writers Festival Workshop at the State Library to gain a deeper understanding on how to write effectively, collaboratively and creatively, to produce the best writing pieces. Taking public transport, we spent the entire day there working and learning from some of the best authors. We really enjoyed the experience to learn from the masters and the excitement of trying new things.


Last Friday, the Year Five students participated in a STEAM design workshop at Buckley Park College. Students built a balloon powered car from recycled materials and learnt about the STEAM academy.


On Monday, the Year Three students went on an excursion to IMAX and Melbourne Museum, and we hope everyone had an amazing time during their excursion.


We were also very excited to have the pleasure of hosting the V.I.P Mother's Day Morning today. This morning is to recognise the important role that our mothers, mother figures, grandmothers, aunts, friends and special people have in our lives that makes everyday that tad bit more special. The V.I.P Morning is a small thank you to pay back the love they share with us, with fun activities and games to play together. We hope you all spoil your mother figures this Sunday on Mother’s Day, and be sure to make them smile.


Before we sign off, we hope that you have a great weekend with your loved ones. With winter fast approaching, we hope you stay safe and healthy, and we can’t wait to see you back at school!


Your School Captains, 

Saanvi and Harry