Visual Arts

Year Five Steampunk Sculptures

Year Five students in 5LR and 5EW have been inquiring into the art form of Steampunk. 


Steampunk art is a style of art having to do with a semi-fictional world where old machinery from the Victorian 19th century is still current. Technologies that were new or important to the Victorians, such as steam power, clockwork or electricity, are big themes in steampunk art.


Students have been working on their creations, using recycled materials (boxes, cardboard rolls, bottle tops, wire, pipe cleaners) and adhesives as the base of their sculptures, and a variety of paints to enhance the overall, olden-day, rusty effect. The students also inquired into Artist’s Statements - what they are and what are their purpose. They then used their devices, selecting an appropriate app such as Canva, to create their own Artist Statement for the purpose of presenting their work to the wider community. 


We hope you enjoy just a few of these wonderful presentations as well as their artworks!


Nicki Myszka

Visual Arts Teacher

Nicki Myszka, Visual Arts Teacher
Nicki Myszka, Visual Arts Teacher