


It’s been great getting back into our Mandarin program these past two weeks. Pan Lao Shi and Wang Lao Shi have loved having your enthusiastic personalities back in Mandarin class and linking with all classroom teachers.


Students in Foundation have continued exploring new words in their word study and their ‘Senses help us explore the world’ central idea. We have been learning and revisiting new vocabulary about our bodies and senses in songs and through drawings and copied words.


Students in Year One have continued exploring new words in their word study and their new central idea ‘Weather affects our choices and actions’. Students have been learning about days of the week and months by using Chinese numbers 1-10, as well as weather and how yesterday, today and tomorrow are linked using Chinese characters. 


Students in Year Two have continued exploring new words in their word study and their new central idea ‘Water is a finite resource shared by global communities’. Students are not only learning about the character for water and how it’s developed from ancient China to its current form 水, but also how the radical for water is used in other words. Students have created posters to display around the room using this knowledge.


Students in Year Three have continued exploring new words in their word study and practising their typing skills in Chinese using Pinyin. Students have now started exploring their new central idea ‘Natural forces and human activity change the Earth’s physical features’, learning about nature based Chinese characters (山,水,土,火) and how they can be used to build or give meaning to more complex words and meanings (火山, 沙漠,地震). 


Students in Year Four have continued exploring new words in their word study and practising their typing skills in Chinese using Pinyin. Students have started exploring their new central idea ‘Exploration has impacted indigenous culture’, looking at the Chinese language and how it is built up through different word components (characters 汉字,pinyin 拼音). Students will be using this knowledge to look into dialects and how people say the dialects differently.


Students in Year Five have continued exploring new words in their word study and practising their typing skills in Chinese using Pinyin. Students have started exploring their new central idea ‘Significant events shape nations’, where they have been learning about country names and their meanings as well as their flags.


Students in Year Six have continued exploring new words in their word study and practising their typing skills in Chinese using Pinyin. Students have started exploring their new central idea ‘Consumerism is an expression of self and our demographic’, where they are creating a mock trip to China plan. Students have been given their trip outline and have started looking into flights, accommodation, places to eat and places to visit.



王老师 和 潘老师


Morgan King (Wang Lao Shi) and Pamela Pan (Pan Lao Shi)

Mandarin Teachers

Morgan King (Wang Lao Shi), Mandarin Teacher
Morgan King (Wang Lao Shi), Mandarin Teacher








Pamela Pan (Pan Lao Shi), Mandarin Teacher
Pamela Pan (Pan Lao Shi), Mandarin Teacher