Year One

Four Seasons in a Day: Weather in Year One

This term, students have been inquiring into how Weather affects our choices and actions.  Students began the unit by becoming weather watchers and creating periscopes which they use to observe the ever-changing weather. This led us to inquire into the different types of weather and symbols we use to represent them. Each morning and afternoon, students have been using this knowledge to record the weather in their weather watching log books, noticing how the weather changes as the day progresses. 


This week, we started inquiring into the seasons and the changes that occur in the weather, the types of clothes we wear, the types of activities we do and the behaviour of animals and plants.


Students have been having so much fun learning about the weather and here are some of their reflections:

My favourite thing about weather is that we can use symbols to tell us the weather. - Ryder

I’ve learnt that sometimes rain actually is so hard and fast that it can make a flood. - Raynen

Weather changes. When it rains plants get water and when it’s sunny, plants grow. - Ruby

Even when it’s summer, it can still rain and in winter it can still be sunny. - Kate

Weather changes and plants do too, the leaves can change on trees. - Aaliyah

All weather can be different every single day and month. - Harry

Fall and autumn are the same thing. - Easton

The the days are getting colder because we get less sunlight. - Van

Animals change throughout the seasons. - Lachlan

The animals prepare for winter during autumn. - Elda

Animals look for a house and shelter in winter. - Khadija 

The afternoon is the hottest part of the day, when the sun goes down it begins to cool down. - Levi 

The coldest part of the day is the same time as the dawn service. - Eva


Emma Gallagher, Nicola Veneris, Jemma Strbac Low, Carole Upton and Sarah Groves

The Year One Teaching Team