A Day in May

Tuesday 21st May

Each year in May at ENPS, we have a special day together called A Day in May. A Day in May is a celebration and commemoration of the life of Marcus Rosin. Marcus Rosin was a student at ENPS from 2011-2014. Marcus was effervescent and courageous. Diagnosed with Ependymoma, a brain tumour, in 2009, at just five years old, Marcus began a fight that would end up being a fight that could not be won. As a legacy, we have continued to cherish our relationship with the Rosin family and to honour the memory of Marcus, as a school and community, each year we hold A Day in May for Marcus. We wear a splash of yellow and all donations are forwarded to the Marcus Rosin Fund to support continued childhood cancer research. 


WHEN: Tuesday 21st May 2024

WHERE: The school grounds at lunchtime

WHAT: Wear a splash of yellow, fun activities for students throughout the day all for a gold coin donation.

HOW YOU CAN HELP: We are asking for donations of coloured hair spray and packets of lollies to make lolly bags. We are also seeking parents to help make the lolly bags on Friday 17th of May.

DONATIONS: All donations can be delivered directly to the school office or sent to school via your child.


We thank our community for their ongoing support and we appreciate everyone supporting this special cause. 


The JSC and ENPS Community Engagement Team