
Emotional regulation (the ability to recognise and control one’s emotions) is something that is referred to and practised in the Wellbeing sessions. The students can identify emotions in themselves and others and enjoy participating in exercises used to check in and regulate these emotions. This week, both the Senior Stars (3-6) and Junior Stars (F-2) listened to calming music. They were asked to reflect upon their week thinking about, ‘something that made them smile or laugh, something positive that they heard, something delicious that they ate, something they enjoyed doing and something they did for someone else.’ It was wonderful to see the smiles on their faces as they quietly reflected upon their week and later everyone was keen to share in our Community Circle.
Our Wellbeing games and activities that promote connections between students have continued to be a real highlight! The Senior Stars worked together to keep a balloon up in the air and undo a human knot. The Junior stars loved singing along with a brand-new feelings’ song. They now play, ‘I like my neighbour who…’ with confidence and enthusiasm and it is fantastic to see all members of the class celebrate similarities and differences with their friends.
We have revisited a story titled, ‘How Full is your Bucket?’ The students have embraced the concept of filling each other’s emotional ‘buckets’ with genuine compliments and positive actions. They have all enjoyed creating a very special bucket which will now be filled with ideas and positive appreciations from each other. The students are looking forward to bringing home the completed buckets next week!