Education in Faith

Alleluia Liturgy

I hope you all had a blessed and joyful time with your family and friends over the Easter break. 

Christ is risen! Our sadness about Jesus’ suffering and death is now replaced by JOY with the celebration of Christ’s resurrection at Easter. We exclaim the word, Alleluia, which means ‘Praise the Lord!’. 


Easter is a season for fresh starts and new beginnings, knowing that Jesus will always be with us. He is risen from the dead to forgive our sins and bring us all new life. May we continue to be filled with this joy and look to the future with hope.  What will be your fresh start today? What brings you joy?


Yesterday, we gathered as a whole school community to celebrate Easter. Students were prompted to think about where they experience the presence of Jesus in their own lives, as they listened to the different ways Jesus appeared to his Disciples. It was wonderful to hear students rejoice in singing ‘Alleluia, He is Risen’ and to hear some of the responses as we discussed the events and importance of Easter.

Sacramental Celebration


Last night we celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation. What a wonderful celebration it was for our students as we came together to acknowledge God's love and mercy towards us. Through God's loving forgiveness, we are strengthened to make peace and restore relationships with others. 


Sometimes we ‘miss the mark’ and we come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation when we recognise our wrong and have the intention to try again, we turn to God, we ask for God's forgiveness. It has been a great experience to watch our candidates grow in their faith and develop their relationship with God.


Tonight we celebrate our final Reconciliation Liturgy at 7pm.



Our students in Year 4 are focusing on their faith development this term, as they prepare for the Sacrament of First Eucharist.


As part of celebrating the Sacraments with the Parish community, families are asked to attend Parish Mass. At this Mass your child will be acknowledged and the parishioners will be asked to pray for them as they take this next step in the faith journey. Students in Year 4 will receive a ‘Passport’ that will be signed at each Mass to acknowledge their attendance. This will be handed to students today. 




Education in Faith Leader