Student Free Days

Schools have the capacity to schedule up to 5 student-free days for the purpose of professional development, curriculum development, planning and organisation and student assessment and reporting.  School Councils must approve and endorse each curriculum day within the following parameters:

  • The first day of Term 1 must be a student-free day.
  • One student-free day is to be nominated for the purpose of assessment and reporting.
  • Schools have the flexibility to schedule 2 additional student-free days based on local needs.
  • As per the VSGA 2022, teachers are provided with one professional practice day (PPD) in 2024 and each subsequent year. If the principal determines to hold a common PPD for teachers, the school can schedule a fifth student-free day. 

All student-free days must have School Council approval and required to be recorded in the  Student Activity Locator.  A further reminder that schools are unable to schedule student-free days that are additional to the 5 permitted each year – irrespective of intent and purpose.


For more information please visit DE Student-free days.