Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 

Development of APF Log of Claims

The current VSGA 2022 is due to expire on the 31 December 2025.  As a key bargaining agent for the Victorian Principal Class, we have commenced the process of engaging with members in order to develop the Log of Claims for the new EBA. Sessions with various groups and key stakeholders thus far have identified pressure points in the current agreement with recommendations for consideration and inclusion in the next log of claims.  Such recommendations are inclusive of remuneration considerations, conditions of employment and matters relevant to the manner in which school leaders perform their work.  After a period of consultation, we anticipate having the log of claims submitted to the Department by the end of the year.


Throughout this term, a series of forums (metro and regional) will be held across the state for members to engage and have input in relation to the log of claims.  Members will be sent direct details of forums closest to them by the end of the week.  A comprehensive list of forums will also be published on our website early next week.  We look forward to engaging with you on this important matter and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or considerations.


APF EBA team:  


Tina King               APF President- Victorian Branch      tking@apf.net.au


Wendy Powson    APF Vice President VIC Branch        wendy.powson@education.vic.gov.au

                                  Principal Lilydale HS


Andrew Cock       Treasurer – VIC Branch                        Andrew.cock@education.vic.gov.au

                                  Principal Blackburn PS


Aaron Smith          APF VIC State Councillor                    Aaron.Smith@education.vic.gov.au

                                  Principal Pakenham SC


Michael Jones       APF VIC State Councillor                   Michael.Jones@education.vic.gov.au

                                   Principal Coatesville PS