Connections Centre

Specialist Feature News: Visual Art

Selamat Siang, 


Big thank you to Brooke (Miss T) who was our lucky SLIME volunteer this week as part of our Colour Fun Run Fundraising! 

We have loved seeing our students back in Specialist Classes this week! 

In Visual Arts, students have been exploring symbols in artwork and as a form of communication. We looked at symbols that represent items, places and even activities that we might have completed on the holidays. We have had a school-wide focus of poppies and their representation and symbolisation in Anzac Day artworks.

Senior Art Club focused on sketching this week - here are some of our masterpieces from Monday lunchtime!

Terima Kasih, 

The Specialist Team

Yana Gill, Marissa Mundy, Hamish Burrill, Steph Muratovic, Beth Cardy and Natalie Palmer. 

Pupil of the Week

Visual Arts

Junior - Cole S (1/2M)

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when creating your Anzac Field Paper Collage.


Senior - Charlotte Z (5/6N)

For demonstrating perseverance and creativity when sketching your holiday artwork.

Performing Arts

Junior - Melody R (FC)

For demonstrating curiosity, courage and passion in her learning during percussion instrument focus this week.


Senior - Anisha S (3/4S)

For enthusiastic, curious and excellent participation in our orchestra investigation studies this week.


Junior - Xing S (FE)

For designing outstanding symbols to describe weather events in our new topic, Earth Science. Congratulations!


Senior - Anouk D (3/4S)

For designing a detailed diagram to demonstrate the earth’s rotation on its axis to cause day and night. 


Junior - Millie B (1/2KS)

For creating dramatic sentences about things you like and dislike. You are a great storyteller and a fantastic audience member! Hebat!


Senior - Ivana C (3/4S)

For showing curiosity and teamwork when learning about parts of the body. You showed great humour in sticky noting your partner with the Indonesian labels! Bagus sekali!


Junior - Liam C (FC)

For showing zest and teamwork when helping put together the Foundation balance stations.


Senior - Charlie G (3/4RM)

For showing leadership and responsibility when demonstrating to peers how to trap and pass a soccer ball.