Discovery Centre


Welcome back Foundation families! What an incredible start to Term 2 we have had. We have officially started to learn 2 letter codes which has been super exciting. I wonder if you can spot 'th' or 'ow' in your child's readers? 


This week in Maths we explored Mass and Capacity. We looked at containers that held more and held less, compared the size of different things in the same sandpit and built boats to see how many objects fit in them before it sunk. 


Just a reminder that the Premiers Reading Challenge is underway. Log ins are pasted into students reading journals and can list and review books to complete the challenge.


We also welcome Dylan who is a Pre Service Teacher who will be joining us for the next 4 weeks in FC.


Cassie, Emma and Tegan


  • Anzac Day Public Holiday 25th April and Curriculum Day 26th of April
  • School Photos- Wednesday 1st May
  • Mothers Day stall will happen in Week 4
  • Please sign up if you are free to help us in PMP on Fridays, use QR code below. Thank you to those who are volunteering their time. 

Pupil of the Week 

FC - Niam D

For showing perseverance and creativity this week. Especially when creating your 'ow' flower craft!


FE - Riley P

For demonstrating perseverance and curiosity throughout Writing tasks. It is wonderful to see you challenge yourself to sound out words. 


FT - Ayaan J

For showing a love of learning when doing your holiday recount. It was amazing to see all the things you did on the holidays and was lovely to hear how much you enjoyed your time with your family!