Inquiry Centre


Welcome back to Term 2. We have an exciting Week 1 with students eagerly anticipating today's Colour Fun Run. 

Students have been learning all about recounts in writing this week. We began by writing a recount of our holidays. Students were encouraged to include language such as first, next and last to sequence their writing. It was great to hear all about what students got up to over the break from spending time with family, going on trips and playing games. 


The Inquiry Centre Team

Kate, Mandy, Miss Shaye, Miss Emmett, Emma, Suzie and Mrs Seadon

Student Voice

  • I can't wait for the Year 2 Sleepover - Joey X
  • I'm looking forward to the Colour Fun Run and the Grade 2 sleepover - Olivia F
  • This school is the best! I like it a lot - Radin F
  • My favourite sport is Tennis- Claire G 
  • I really like dinosaurs- Maahir M


  • Please make sure your child brings a hat to school in Term 2. Students are required to continue wearing their hats until the end of April.
  • Please make sure your child brings a drink bottle to school. 

Pupil of the week

1/2A - Charles T

For demonstrating a love of learning when making and saying addition number sentences this week! 


1/2M - Mikaela L

For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance during writing sessions. It is great to see you challenging yourself to achieve new writing goals.


1/2S - Natasha P

For displaying a love of learning when writing our holiday recounts this week. You did an incredible job using the first, then and finally template! 


1/2KS - Kiana M

For demonstrating a love of learning when problem-solving during Maths sessions. You use your critical thinking skills and contribute your solutions. 


1/2E - Thomas W

For a fantastic start to Term 2, following our class morning routine and practising your reading! Keep up the great work Thomas!