Independence Centre



Selamat sore 3/4 families! Welcome back to Term 2! 

This week we learnt about measurement and had lots of different activities about capacity and length. We know that capacity can be measured in millilitres and litres and length is measured in millimetres, centimeters, meters and kilometres. We also investigated the properties of 3D shapes by making our own shapes and finding how many vertices, edges and faces they have.


In Guided Inquiry, we worked together as a class to crack the code for our escape room about Amelia Earheart. This is the start of our unit about History. We can’t wait to find out different facts about the history of different topics such as Technology and important Global Events. 


We are really looking forward to a colourful end to the week with our Colour Fun Run today!


Have a great week!

Written by 3/4K


  • Please submit all the donations for the Colour Fun Run on the fundraising website.
  • Please ensure your child/ren has a hat at school. Hats are still required until the end of April.

Pupil of the Week

3/4RM - Williza T

For reflecting honestly about the next steps in your learning to create new SMART goals.


3/4B - Elsie B

For showing your love of learning to collaborate with a peer when investigating the perimeter and area of regular 2D shapes.


3/4W - Donovan S

For demonstrating ownership over your own learning when working towards your Maths goal to solve addition and subtraction problems involving negative numbers. 


3/4S - Elsa F

For demonstrating enthusiasm and a love of learning in our measurement maths lessons and creating your comparison statements.


3/4K - Brax R

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when writing different passages in the first and third person.