Leadership Centre


Salamat Siang,


Welcome back everyone, the first week of Term 2 has absolutely flown by! We have had an action packed week full of fun experiences. On Tuesday we had our Immersion Day, where all of the 5/6s had Guided Inquiry all day, looking at our new topic of World Shapers. We made passports and plane tickets to go wherever we wanted. We made our classrooms look like aeroplanes, where we explored different continents and countries around the world. It was so much fun! We began investigating ways they can construct a sustainable town on Minecraft. We collaborated together in groups and worked on solutions for different areas of need in the town e.g. Agriculture, Infrastructure, Sustainable Energy sources. We are really excited to see what we learn and produce throughout this term! 


Our other big highlights this week have been our Summer Sports Gala day on Thursday and Fridays Colour Run! We all showed great perseverance playing all our sports, with some teams even getting into the semi-finals and finals. We are incredibly proud of our efforts and keen to run in the Colour Fun Run. 


We are really excited this term to announce that the Leadership Centre will be starting in the Kitchen Garden program. We have already had some classes start making Zucchini and Chocolate Mini Cakes. 


Happy week 1!

5/6 Leadership Team



  • Please enjoy the “Pleasant Podcast” for Term 1, hosted by 5/6E
  • 5/6 Gala Day: Thursday, April 17
  • Colour Fun Run: Friday, April 18
  • Tissue box donations (A big thanks to those that have donated already)

Pupil of the Week

5/6C - Xavier D

For enthusiastically sharing your knowledge and interests of Countries and Continents and transforming our classroom into an aeroplane for a fun, creative experience during our Guided Inquiry Immersion Day.


5/6S - Owen S

For demonstrating teamwork, displaying exceptional sportsmanship behaviours at the Summer Gala Day.


5/6FL - Mia H

For demonstrating teamwork and active participation during Summer Gala Day.


5/6E - Megan T

For showing bravery and teamwork when playing as goalie for European Handball. You did AMAZING! 


5/6N - Zac H

You demonstrated a love of learning when identifying keywords and the meaning behind song lyrics.