Principal's Message

Term 2 Week 1

Welcome back everyone to Term 2.

We hope that you were able to have quality family times and enjoyed some of that great weather (out of Melbourne!)

We were busy creating the brand new 3/4 Library space on the stage in the Independence Centre. 

They have moved their books already and it looks like a nice space to enjoy a read!

We also finally had the accessible path constructed in front of the Café Studio and connecting to the portables. 

Colour Fun Run Update

We are looking forward to our Colour Fun Run this afternoon.

Thank you Brooke Tolson! What a great sport! Brooke was SLIMED on Monday in front of the whole school. Arya, George and Lewis were chosen to wield the slime, as the next highest fund raisers to date and to celebrate reaching $4000.00.

I wonder who else is on the list to be slimed? There's still time to fundraise MPRPS, for our outdoor classroom. Maybe we will have another teacher or teachers to slime next week.

Either scan the QR code below or visit 

Statement of Intent - Term Overviews

Each term, teachers spend time reviewing the Victorian Curriculum and MPRPS Scope and Sequences to develop a flexible overview or 'Statement of Intent'. These can always be found on our school website and are available below, outlining the key concepts that students will be focusing on.

In addition to the above Learning Centre Statement of Intents the Specialist Subject Statement of Intents for Term 2, 2024 are also published on our website and can be located by following the link below.

Reminder: School Lunch Orders - Thursdays

Our first orders were delivered yesterday. Please find attached the menu to see what is available. Orders will need to be placed via the Flexischools App.

5/6 Summer Gala Day

Well what a cool, cloudy day that treated us for our 5/6  “Summer” Gala Day held at Mahoneys Reserve, Doncaster Tennis Club and Donvale Reserve. It’s been great to hear reports back from all our teachers and volunteers how wonderful our students were when competing against the 12 other schools showing great sportspersonship throughout the day! Just hearing the excitement and seeing the smiles across the faces in the heat of the competition was fantastic. Congratulations to all teams and especially our mixed tennis team who were premiers, our mixed T-Ball team who were runners up and our mixed volleystars team who placed third!

Life Long Learning

The amazing educators we have here at MPRPS&K are always looking at ways to improve their practice and the learning experiences for your children. So, this week, we were led by Emily Glen and Kate Molloy, our Learning Specialists, around additional strategies to support Collaborative Planning and spent time together developing meaningful & relevant learning for our students using the updated Victorian Curriculum. 

Specialist teachers also looked at The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration which sets out a vision for aspirations for an  education system that encourages and supports every student to be the very best they can be.

Next Friday, on our second Curriculum Day, the whole school including our Kindergarten staff will come together to begin our training in the Berry Street Education Model. The Model (BSEM) equips schools with practical, classroom-based strategies to increase the engagement of all students, including those with complex, unmet learning needs. The education model enables schools to support students’ self-regulation, relationships and wellbeing to increase student engagement and significantly improve academic achievement.


Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge

A huge congratulations to the first 9 students, who have already completed this year’s Premier’s Reading Challenge. All 9 students are from 56E! Check out the Important Information!