Principal's Report

Shane Kruger

Action Learning Tasks

At Lilydale Heights College, our focus is on maximising learning growth to ensure all students can thrive. As such, our teaching staff have been completing Action Learning Tasks (ALTs) that focused on 'Using evidence to demonstrate Learning Growth'. This initiative has empowered our teachers to effectively identify the learning needs of their students, devise targeted strategies to foster their growth and measure the outcomes using evidence. Staff recently completed their ALT presentations to their learning team, highlighting the innovative and diverse approaches our teachers employed and showcasing their dedication to point of need teaching. This process allowed all staff to learn from each other, reflecting on their own practice and learning new strategies that they could employ in their own classrooms. I would like to congratulate all teachers for their commitment to their own learning and for continuing to pursue educational excellence.


Instructional Model

Our Instructional Model for Teaching and Learning (MAPS) at Lilydale Heights College has been in place for a number of years and encompasses our commitment to academic excellence. Our students spend many hours each week in the classroom, learning via our Instructional Model and I thought it would be timely to share once again with our community how we use MAPS. You may have recognised this acronym in your child’s lesson plans, as MAPS is used right across the school for all our classes. In fact, we also use MAPS for all staff meetings and professional learning sessions. Our instructional model provides predictability and routine for students which contributes to a calm, safe and orderly learning environment. MAPS integrates both general and subject-specific high-impact teaching and learning strategies, which are part of our shared and responsive teaching and learning model. Our model fosters positive and supportive relationships between students and staff, creating an environment that nurtures not only academic growth but personal development and wellbeing. MAPS is broken down into the following:



  • Hook is used to engage students and inspire curiosity
  • Learning Intentions and Success Criteria are clear and understood
  • Connections are made to students’ prior learning and experiences



  • Explicit teaching of a skill, process or concept
  • Students are engaged in the explicit teaching; actively listening, discussing and contributing 
  • Teachers and students ask questions to check understanding



  • Guided practice through teacher modelling to the class
  • Collaborative practice in groups and/or independent practice (differentiated)
  • Teachers provide constructive feedback 



  • Students are engaged in evaluating their learning using the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
  • Content is reviewed and students reflect upon their success
  • Teachers project to the next step in learning (including preparation for the next lesson)

Student Voice - Staffing 

To continue to build student voice within the school and allow students to have a say in key aspects of the College, we have recently begun including a student on interview panels for advertised teaching and education support staff roles. As a member of the panel, the student representative reads all the applications, shortlists applicants for interview, conducts the interview with the panel and then works with the panel to recommend the successful candidate. It has been wonderful having students on interview panels as it brings a unique perspective to the experience, allowing them to ask questions relevant to their learning and responding to questions from applicants. This is also a great opportunity for the student's own learning as we discuss the importance of confidentiality and requirements for a process that is based on merit and equity.


Student Free Days

Student Free Days are included in the school calendar to allow staff to complete necessary assessment, reporting and professional learning. Students are not required at school on these days.  We have provided below the dates of our upcoming Student Free Days to assist families with their planning. 


Upcoming Student Free Days:

Tuesday 11 June (day after the King's Birthday Public Holiday) - Assessment and Reporting

Monday 15 July (first day of Term 3) - Professional Learning for staff

Friday 22 November - Professional Practice Day


We would encourage students and families to put these dates into their calendar. We will send out reminders closer to the dates. 


Stay well this winter 

Symptoms of influenza (flu) can hit very quickly and may last several weeks. Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and others from getting the flu.

Keeping our school community well 

Parents, carers and students are encouraged to practice prevention measures, including:

  • washing and sanitising hands regularly
  • avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • covering nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing
  • staying home if unwell and consulting a general practitioner (GP) or Nurse-on-call as required
  • staying up to date with flu and COVID-19 vaccinations

Flu Vaccinations

Flu vaccinations can be booked through GPs and pharmacies, many of which can also provide COVID-19 vaccinations. Flu vaccination is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and over.    Some people are more at risk of complications from flu and are eligible for free vaccination as part of the National Immunisation Program.


COVID-19 Booster

The 2024 COVID-19 booster dose is available for everyone aged 18 and above.  Getting your booster dose remains the best way to prevent severe illness or hospitalisation, especially in people aged over 65 and those at higher risk of severe illness.    Children aged between 5 and 17 years who are at risk of severe illness can also receive a 2024 booster dose.    You can get your next dose at your local pharmacy or GP. To find one near you, refer to the vaccine clinic finder.


Find out more

For more information about preventing flu, and immunisation, refer to:


Shane Kruger
