Secondary School

Andrea Grear,Principal, Secondary School

On this page:  Secondary Sausage Sizzles/ Year 7 Camp

Secondary School Sizzles!

This article is my thank you letter. 


An acknowledgement to the many members of our school community who have contributed to the success of our first term as a Secondary School. It is a significant change for our College and how we do things, but not to whom we serve. We thank God for our Christ-centered school and continue to pray for its flourishing.


It is not just the staff who transitioned our Middle and Senior schools into a Secondary School, nor the College’s Executive who presented money and time to make this happen, but rather to our families and their students who have shown their support and encouraged us. 


You have helped the Secondary School flourish by championing us, embracing our changes and being gracious with our mistakes. Thank you. 


And one of those changes was the Secondary Summer Sendoff on the last day of term. Finally, a swimming carnival with a twist, after three years of missing out. The sun did eventually appear in the afternoon; luckily the pool was a warm 27 degrees and there were so many activities for students to participate in, that there was little time to shiver. (I do recognise the irony that I did not get wet on the day, so I really have no authority to personally suggest this, just a hopeful observation). 


For the students who participated, it was a fun day based on the chaperone model adopted from Sports Day. Possibly the highlight for me was the Mascot race where one, lone participant kicked off his ‘helpers’ and paddled that House Mascot in a frenzy, to the end of the pool leaving the other two houses in his wake. I think a highlight for the students was the upgraded facilities and slides which helped fill in every part of the day. And, of course, we were there as a whole Secondary School to finish the term as a community.


It would be remiss of me if I did not mention the staff who helped plan, organise and participate in this event; it was a great team effort and I appreciate that they embraced the change. And for the parents who encouraged their student(s) to attend, thank you. I pray it was a day of good memories for your child and our community.


Andrea Grear

Principal, Secondary School

Year 7 Camp

Highlights from Year 7 Camp held at Victor Harbour, 8-10 April.