Junior School, South Plympton


Liz Hinrichsen,Head of Junior School

Term Two 

Welcome back to Term Two! I trust that you really enjoyed the break and particularly the stunning Autumn weather with which we have been blessed.  


Mother's Day 

This year we will be celebrating Mother's Day with time spent in the classrooms followed by a Morning Tea instead of our Mothers’ Day Stall (you may need to remind dad to shop with the children this year and not rely on the school stall).


Mums, you will have received an invitation to this event, and we ask that you register your attendance with that invitation for catering purposes. 


RSVP by Friday 3 May



Foundation Swimming is in Week 3, so ensure that you have filled in your Swimming Consent and Swimming Medical Information. We also encourage you to visit the pool to watch your child as they learn basic water safety. This is at the Marion Pool and you will be required to pay admission to the pool. 


Year 6 Camp on Kangaroo Island is also during Week 3. This is always a much-anticipated event for our Year 6 cohort. 


School Attendance 

Ensuring regular attendance at school is crucial for laying the foundation of your child’s future success. Extensive research highlights the significance of consistent attendance, particularly during the formative years of schooling. During this critical period, children receive essential instruction in literacy and numeracy, forming the bedrock of their education. Missing school means missing out on these fundamental lessons, which can hinder academic progress. 


School plays a pivotal role in fostering the development of social skills and the formation of lasting friendships. Extended absences during the early years can result in children feeling disconnected from their peers, posing challenges when they return into the social dynamics of the classroom. 


Establishing positive attendance habits the early years of formal education is important. During these crucial years, attitudes toward school and learning are molded, and routines for academic success are ingrained. 


Understanding that illness is a common occurrence, especially within school settings, and considering the well-being of all our students, it is important that children be kept at home while they are contagious, to prevent further spread. 


Family time is important, and we understand that some families may need extended breaks, particularly to visit relatives overseas. In such instances, parents need to complete the necessary exemption forms provided on our website. However, can you consider planning extended trips around school breaks whenever feasible? For example, scheduling vacations at the beginning or end of a term—such as during the last week before a holiday and the first week after—facilitates a smoother transition and reduces disruptions to your child’s learning. It's advisable to discuss the timing of such absences with your child’s teacher to minimize the impact on academic progress. 


It is worth reading the information about attendance in the following:

Liz Hinrichsen

Head of Junior School