Junior School, Brooklyn Park

Siobhain West and Alex Lauder, Year 3 / 4 Teachers of Junior School

World Explorers

The last week of Term 1 marked a thrilling adventure for our Year 3 and 4 students as they embarked on a journey through time to celebrate the end of our unit of learning of World Explorers as HASS. With enthusiasm bubbling and curiosity soaring high, our young explorers donned their creative costumes, transforming into the very adventurers they had studied in their classrooms.


From the fearless Christopher Columbus to the intrepid Captain Cook, the corridors of our school echoed with the footsteps of historical giants, each student bringing their chosen explorer to life with flair and imagination. Dressed in creative and elaborate costumes, they transported us back to eras of discovery and wonder.


The highlight of the day was the oral presentations delivered by our students, who not only looked the part but also embodied the spirit of their chosen explorers. With confidence and passion, they shared tales of perilous voyages, exotic discoveries, and encounters with new cultures. As they spoke, it was as if we were voyaging alongside them, traversing uncharted territories and unlocking the mysteries of the world.

Through their presentations, our students not only showcased their research skills but also honed their public speaking abilities, stepping into the shoes of history-makers and delivering performances worthy of admiration. It was truly a testament to their dedication and enthusiasm for learning.


Here's to the intrepid explorers of Year 3 and 4, who remind us that the greatest adventures begin with a single step!


Siobhain West and Alex Lauder

Year 3 / 4 Teachers of Junior School