College News

Whole Emmaus community

On this page:  Yearbook Arrival/ 2023 Yearbook Artwork/ Students Learning a Musical Instrument/ Canteen News

Yearbook Arrival


As of today, Wednesday 1 May, the Yearbooks have arrived! 


Each Emmaus family receives one Yearbook (even if you have multiple children attending the school) and your eldest child will have received yours during their Homegroup this morning.


We hope you enjoy this very special book full of memories, learnings and achievements.

2023 Yearbook Artwork 

A very talented Emmaus student, Briana P in Year 11, has painted this stunning oil paint artwork for our 2023 Yearbook cover. 


Titled ‘Streams of Faith,’ this masterpiece was created to depict Psalm 1:3 NIV, ‘That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.’ 


We believe this Yearbook cover is very significant for the College, depicting the tree, leaves and dove that are found in our logo and represent our vision, mission and values. It now blesses our Executive Principal’s office, reminding him of the future vision of the school.


We look forward to handing out the Yearbook to each Emmaus family in Term 2 this year! 

Is your child receiving instrumental tutoring at Emmaus? 

We'd like to remind you of the following process regarding lesson absences.


If your child is absent due to illness, please make sure to inform your tutor directly before 8am on the day of the lesson via email or phone. 

Students are not permitted to contact tutors directly via their own personal device as per our College Protective Practices Guidelines.


If your child is absent for any reason (including sickness or excursions), tutors should be given as much notice as possible so that an alternate lesson time can be arranged. If an alternate time is unavailable, this lesson may be credited to the following term. 


It is the student's responsibility to remember their lesson time and their instrument. If they forget their lesson time, the tutor is not obliged to reschedule or credit the lesson.


In the circumstance where the tutor is ill, the tutor will advise their students and contact the College. The tutor will arrange to either make up the missed lesson or credit it to the next term's account. 

Thank you.


Music Department Classroom Teachers

Instrumental Tutors and Administration 

Canteen News

Please find our Term 2 Menu here:


The following changes have been made and as well as a few price changes:


  • Added Lamb Rogan Josh and Beef Masaman with rice
  • Removed Cold Rolls


Added Asian Soups - Qkr orders for Secondary School Students and Staff ONLY (JS staff soup will be sent to class cold)



Chilli Chicken Tender Burger – 2 Chilli Chicken Tenders, Lettuce and Chilli Mayo


Looking forward to your support this term!

God Bless.


Sharon Hughes

Canteen Manager