Signora Schembri & Signora Foletta

Italian News

Ciao, welcome back to Term 2.  Hope everyone had a great break!

Foundation students will be listening to a story about Pinocchio going to the fair and eating fairy floss (Zucchero Filato). They will revise a song about body parts and a good morning song.  They will also learn the language associated with greetings, numbers 0 - 5 and learn some of the colours.


Year 1 and 2 are learning about Italian landmarks, they are doing a unit on an Italian adventure. They will travel through Italy and learn about famous landmarks. They will continue to revise and learn the Italian language associated with greetings, numbers and colours.


The Year 3 and 4 students will be listening to a story about imagination, The little captain.  They will learn the language needed to play a board game.  They will learn the Italian language by learning a rhyme. They will continue revising the language associated with greetings, numbers and colours. 


The Year 5 and 6 students will continue to revise and build on previous knowledge of numbers, colours, days of the week, months of the year and greetings.  Students will listen to a story about Jake and the bean, they will learn the language need to write a description of themselves. The students will also be learning a poem about the months, please encourage them to practice this at home.


Trenta giorni ha novembre,                     (30 days has November

Con aprile, giugno e settembre             with April, June and September

Di ventotto ce n’e` uno                              of 28 there is one

Tutti gli altri ne han trentuno.                 All the rest have 31)


A reminder to students and parents to visit sites such as Languages Online (only the worksheets and posters can be accessed), Duolingo, to review and practise their Italian at home.  These sites have many interactive games, songs and worksheets that you can complete with your child.  We will be using these resources in the classroom so your child will be familiar with them. They are both free!

A presto! (See you soon!)


Signora Schembri and Signora Foletta