Year 6 Career Expo

Year 6 Community Career Expo
On Wednesday the 27th March, Year 6 Students and Year 5’s from 5/6C hosted the first ever Greenvale Primary School Community Career Expo. This event was a representation of their hard work during Inquiry lessons where they were to given student agency to choose a career and explore their findings. Their projects were OUTSTANDING and made everyone proud. We had so many careers being confidently discussed with parents and family members, as well as with some visiting classes. There were a variety of careers displayed at the Expo including Police Officers, Teachers, Mechanical Engineers, Forensic Investigators, Lawyers, Singers, Music Therapists, Pilots, Doctors, Nurses and many more. The students worked extremely hard to present a range of multimodal aspects including, posters, infographics, website QR codes, 3D models and looked the part dressed up.
Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the Community Career Expo. We had a fantastic turn out and was wonderful see so many family members in the classrooms interacting with students.
Congratulations to all students in 5/6C, 6DW, 6JA & 6JW!