Mobile Phones

Meredith Clegg

Mobile Phones and Devices at School

The Greenvale Primary School Mobile Phone/Device Policy has been written in accordance with the Department of Education Mobile Phones – Student Use Policy and states that personal mobile phones/ devices must be switched off and not be used at school during school hours, including recess and lunchtime unless an exception has been granted. 


The GPS policy states:

Students who choose to bring mobile phones / devices (including smart watches) to school must have them switched off and securely stored in their possession during school hours, or they may have them lodged securely at the office. 


When emergencies occur, parents / carers should reach their child by calling the school’s office and not by calling their child on their mobile phone / device. 


Students who use their personal mobile phones / devices inappropriately at school may be issued with consequences consistent with our school’s existing student engagement policies. 


For further information please refer to the GPS Mobile Phone/Device Policy which can be found on the Greenvale Primary School Website,


and the Victorian Department of Education Student Use of Mobile Phones at Schools 



Mobile Phones — Student Use: Policy |