Catholic Identity
Catholic Identity Report
Confirmation First Eucharist
Just a reminder that there is only one ceremony this year and it will be on Saturday evening June 22nd at 5pm at the Sacred Heart Church. The children are being very well prepared in class and the excitement is building. All candidates will be attending Friday morning Mass this week at 9.30. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Sacramental Gifts
There is a good collection of small gifts, rosary beads and cards very suitable for our candidates in the Narthex at the back of the church. If interested in purchasing, please be in touch. Presentation Mass Last Sunday was our final presentation Mass for our Confirmation & First Eucharist Candidates. It was lovely to see how thrilled our parishioners were for our children and what lies ahead.
Sacred Heart Day
Friday June 7th is The Feast of the Sacred Heart and our school feast day. We will be celebrating this day by attending a combined Mass with Sacred Heart College at10am in the MPB, Witt St . This is always a beautiful celebration and I encourageparents and friends to attend. The celebrations will continue back at school with aSacred Heart Has Talent Show (SHHT). Children in Years 3-6 are encouraged toenter a short act. All students will be attending the show which will be held in the Mercy Centre. Parents are also welcome to attend. The time of the SHHT will be confirmed asap.
Reconciliation Week
This very important week on our Australian calendar has been acknowledged in several ways. It has been the focus of our Christian Meditation the last two mornings and all classes have used it as a focus for some of their learning, whether with our choice of literacy, our artwork or as part of Wellbeing Wednesday. As always so much is happening at Sacred Heart.
Have a great week.
Meegan McInness
Catholic Identity Leader