Sports News

Sports Update

HOUSE CROSS-COUNTRY: After a cold and frosty start, the sun eventually came out for our annual House Cross Country at Domeney Reserve this morning. It was lovely to see students in their house colours supporting and encouraging each other and having lots of fun too.      


Students in years 3 to 6 ran against each other in their age groups – 12/13 year old boys and girls, 11 year old boys and girls and 9/10 year old boys and girls. The course started and finished on the oval and took students around the boundary of Domeney Reserve and included a very challenging loop in the 100 Acres. 12/13 year olds and 11 year olds ran 3km (2 laps of the course) while 9/10 year olds ran 2km (1 lap of the course).       


House Cross Country is held each year as a selection process for District Cross Country, with the top 10 place getters representing our school at District level. Congratulations to all of the top 10 place getters in each age group. 


What an amazing effort to the following students who were placed 1st to 4th in their age groups;


12/13yr  girls

12/13yr boys

11yr  girls

11yr  boys

9/10yr girls

9/10yr boys

1stCharlotte TJosh SLacey EMakalo BEden BMax B
2ndLayan ETom BlSummer CBeau DGrace SSebastian D
3rdAmelia STom BrAva IJack CMilla CJudd H
4thMillie MJet REevee KXavier MatZahli CHarvey G

I am so proud of all our students for their exceptional performances and for showing persistence. Cross Country running is very difficult and it challenges us mentally. There were a number of wonderful examples of students displaying our school values - kindness, excellence, integrity and respect. 


It was a close result with only 4 points the difference between 1st and 2nd. Congratulations to GRANT HOUSE who recorded the most points on the day and declared our House winners for 2024. This is Grant's third win in a row! Well done Grant House!

4th Sharp263

The day was a huge success and I would personally like to thank the House Captains who arrived early to help set up the oval. They have been excellent leaders and continue to show dedication and enthusiasm. 


I would also like to thank my colleagues for their ongoing support and lastly, to all our wonderful parent community and helpers who assisted on the day as walkers, duties at the finish line or as marshals out on checkpoints around Domeney. These events cannot take place without our parent helpers so I really appreciate your support. Thank-you!  


The Ringwood District Cross Country is on Tuesday 14th May at Quambee Reserve from 12:30pm. The P.O.P.S Cross Country team will train next Tuesday at lunchtime and next Friday morning at 8:30am on the running track. More details to come.  

Mrs Carbone

PE & Sports Coordinator