From the Classroom


Year 6 students commemorated ANZAC Day last week by attending the annual Templestowe Rotary Club Schools ANZAC Day Service and by leading our own ANZAC ceremony at school. 


"During the ANZAC Day Service I learnt about the ANZAC spirit and how the soldiers came up with clever strategies to defend our country" - Josh S 5/6M 


"I am grateful for the soldiers who went to war but sadly didn't return from our area" - Imaan N 6M


"I admired the student who played The Last Post" - Carter H 6M


"I enjoyed listening to the band play ANZAC music" - Sam R 6D


"It was really special to learn some of the soldier's names who fought from Park Orchards" - Sienna H 5/6M


"I really enjoyed listening to the students who shared objects, like the army bag" - Ava I 5Y


"I enjoyed learning about the story of the ANZAC soldiers" - Jim Z  5I


"The minute of silence was special as it was a sign of remembrance for the people who fought for us" - Aditi G 5I 


Year 5 and 6 students are currently completing a project for homework where they are researching a range of aspects of ANZAC history. They are completing a range of tasks from writing in ‘Morse Code' to designing and making packaging for ANZAC biscuits