Performing Arts

Performing Arts News Term 2


I want to say a big thank you to the senior choir members who sang at our Mass last Tuesday. You lead the singing really well.

Our audition panel is looking at the audition videos for the senior production.  We hope to have a cast list in June. Classes are reading through the script and learning the songs.

Year 1 & 2 students are working through the songs and the script and familiarising themselves with the characters. Many have auditioned and auditions will close on May 24. A final cast list will be chosen before the end of term.

Thank you to everyone who has offered to help with costumes and scenery.  If you are artistic, have some time during the day and can assist please send an email to Jen Brown (Art Teacher) of myself.

We think we have enough noodles at present and we thank everyone who donated them to the school. We are still looking for old baseball caps. We have about 40 but will need many more. We are going to paint them to make fish head pieces. Please leave them at the front office. 



Mrs Earle

Performing Arts Teacher


Jen Brown

Visual Arts Teacher