Student of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:


Week 2 


Lily (34B) Always showing such beautiful manners and readiness to learn. You continue to show respect for teachers in the way you address them and always ensure that you are organised for class. Keep it up legend!

Ezra (56A)always being a friendly and polite peer and student. Ezra shows respect by listening to others and showing kindness. We are lucky to have you in 5/6A. Well done, Ezra!

Callum (56B) continually demonstrating respect towards peers and staff! Your humour, kindness and thoughtfulness are why you build such a strong rapport with so many people! Thank you for putting a smile on our faces and making us laugh every day!



Week 3 


Kiana H (Foundation) showing care and thoughtfulness towards others during our bus trips to swimming, taking turns sitting with others and sharing the window seat.

Sophie V (Foundation) for listening attentively during your swimming lessons and trying your best each day. 

Flynn (12A) Working hard and completing your learning tasks. You have shown great effort and focus while completing these activities. You are a superstar!

Hope (12A) Listening attentively during your school swimming lessons and following instructions to remain safe. Great job, Hope! You are a superstar! 

Will B (12B) You have demonstrated responsibility in class by trying your personal best in tasks and activities. You have demonstrated great knowledge about non fiction texts and learning to navigate the different features in informative texts. Great job Will!

Marrissa M (12B) You have demonstrated responsibility during swimming this week. You are willing to learn and demonstrate active listening skills during instructions. It is great to see you be a great role model for our school!

Jayden S (34A) by taking an educational risk by extending himself in maths lessons. Jayden asked for support to build on his understanding of multiplication algorithms with larger numbers. Keep up the great work Jayden!

Jonh M(34B) Working hard during maths lessons this week. Even though vertical multiplication was challenging, you didn’t give up and took ownership over your own learning to succeed. Keep it up legend!

Aimee C (56A)consistently making wise choices about your learning. You are focused during lessons, give your Personal Best in all tasks and ask questions to improve your understanding. You should be very proud of your start to Term 2! Well done, Aimee! 

Cooper R(56B)