School Council

A massive thanks to Helen Edwards who, in between teaching Prep, has been responsible for developing the videos that are currently featuring on our social media channels. Thanks to everyone who has shared them - it’s an important way for us to share the MPS story. 


Promoting MPS remains a strong focus for School Council - we have just received confirmation of two new real estate boards from Barry Plant. Our sincere thanks to Barry Plant for their support of the school, and to the Kishida and King families for hosting the boards in such prominent positions. Thanks to Kelly Hamilton for organising this. 


Our relationships with local kindergartens and child care centres remain strong - and this has translated into the number of tours we have already conducted. 

Thanks again to Helen Edwards for driving this and to a number of families for delivering brochures and posters to the kinders and child cares, and to our school leaders for delivering posters to the local shops. 


It is a pleasure to be a part of a team that is so passionate about the school!



Kind regards,

Clare Arthurs

School Council President


Contact School Council

If you have any questions, concerns or items to raise with school council, please email  or