Principal's Report

Tim Mulhall - Principal

Open Night

It's coming! Open Night is just around the corner. We look forward to inviting our community to the school for an evening of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths) activities. We look forward to sharing our classrooms and working with the children who come along for the night.


Our Parents and Friends Association will provide a complimentary sausage sizzle on the night. I know from the conversations I've had with our students that the FREE sausage is an absolute hit.


Berry Street Curriculum Day

While not always convenient for families, curriculum days are vitally important for schools. They provide our school and staff time and space to dedicate to school improvement learning.


On Monday, our staff were all onsite in the 5/6 classroom, diligently learning about how we can better support our students' wellbeing and learning disposition. The room was filled with conversation that reflected both a deep care for all Marlborough students and an interest in learning more.


We spent much of the day deepening our understanding of how to support students to be 'ready to learn'. Pleasingly, our teachers have been utilising many of the strategies that support this, but we certainly look forward to refining what we do.


Over the coming weeks, your children will become familiar, or more familiar, with Welcome Circles, Ready to Learn Scales, and Ready to Learn Plans. I encourage you to have some discussions with your students towards the end of the term about these.


Trivia Night

On the 25th of May, we have our Trivia Night. We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. Whether you are a trivia fan or not, it should be a good night with the community coming together to enjoy a trip down memory lane with the 'Back to School' theme.


Mother’s (and Other Special Carers) Day Stall

Thank you again to our Parents and Friends Association for organising and volunteering your time to provide this opportunity for our students. Like most mums (and carers), your work is often invisible and unseen by most.

I wish all those mums, or those who act as mums, out there a very special day with your kids on Sunday. I hope your kids make you feel special!


The Importance of Sleep

I strongly encourage you to view the Wellbeing section of this newsletter. Jenelle has put together a great section on sleep for children. 


The importance of quality and appropriate quantity of sleep for children is incredibly beneficial. It enhances memory retention, allowing students to absorb and recall information more effectively. It also plays a critical role in regulating mood and managing stress, helping students to remain more focused and engaged during school hours.


There are some excellent tips in Jenelle's post that will have a direct impact on your child's wellbeing and learning.



Tim Mulhall
