Sports Newsletter

Netball Victoria School Championships
Good luck to our Sacred Heart netball team that will be travelling to Melbourne next Wednesday 24th July to play in the 2024 Netball Victoria School Championships. This will take place at the State Netball Centre in Parkville. The bus will leave Sacred Heart gym at 6:15am and return to school at 5:15pm. Girls are reminded that training will take place this Wednesday 17th July at 1:30pm (please wear your sports uniform).
(Permissions will be forwarded through PAM at a later date)
Year 5 and 6 Winter Sport
This Friday 19th June our students in Year 5 and 6 will participate in the first Winter sport competition against Colac West/St Brendan’s. This will take place at Sacred Heart between the times of 11:30am – 1:30pm. The students will choose one of the offered sports – football, soccer, netball, basketball and mixed games. Students will need to wear their sports uniform. They may bring along appropriate gear for their sport e.g. football boots etc.
Important Dates
Netball Victoria's 2024 School Championships - Wednesday 24th July (State Netball Centre)
AFL 9’s – Boys Team/Girls Team – Tuesday 6th August
Colac Division Badminton – Friday 16th August
Colac Golf Tournament – Friday 30th August
Greater Western Lawn Bowls – Wednesday 4th September (Sebastopol)
Winter sport competition dates (Year 5/6)
Sacred Heart v’s Colac West/St Brendan’s – Friday 19th July
Elliminyt v’s Sacred Heart – Friday 9th August
St Mary’s v’s Sacred Heart – date to be confirmed
Sacred Heart v’s Colac PS – Friday 20th August
Sacred Heart v’s Colac South West – Friday 13th September
Sports Stars of the Week
Name: Hemi Babington (Yr 6KT)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are netball and I would like to play football as well.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is footy because I think it is fun.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Footy is my favourite sport because I like to tackle.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was playing football in the Sacred Heart Girls football team.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my tackling and kicking skills in football.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because I like running and I like playing in the dirt.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is Ruby Hay.
8. Why are they your favourite? Ruby Hay is my favourite player because she can run fast and she gives good advice to help me to be better at sport.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports teams are North Melbourne and South Colac.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am always happy to participate.
Name: Dusty McCrimmon (Yr 5JT)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are football, cricket and soccer.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is football.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Football is my favourite sport because I love the game.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I took a specky over Thor.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strength in sport is my tackling ability.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because it is fun and I like to exercise.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is Mitch Lewis who plays for Hawthorn.
8. Why are they your favourite? Mitch is my favourite sports person because he is a great forward in football.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? Hawthorn
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? Coaches and teammates would say that I am a good sport and that my skills are good.
Name: Monty Kirkman (Yr 4SF)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are fishing and ‘Hip Hop’ dance.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is ‘Hip Hop’ dance.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Hip Hop is my favourite sport because it is fun and I get to be with my friends.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was my first time on stage to show my Hip Hop dance skills.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my strength in my arms and I think carefully about the dance movements.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because it is fun.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is my uncle Luke Hodge.
8. Why are they your favourite? Luke is my favourite sports person because he was a great footballer and he is ‘cool’.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is the Brisbane Lions.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am funny and silly and love to have fun.
Thanks, Nicole Lynch