Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,
How lovely was it to hear the rain on the roof last night. It seems like it has been some time coming and hopefully there will be some followup in the coming weeks to replenish our water tanks and waterways and freshen up the gardens!
Welcome back to everyone for Term 3.
It was lovely to see all the children walking back in yesterday and to hear the stories of their holidays from travel, to movies, to sleepovers with grandparents and more.
There is much for them to look forward to this term: Being back with their friends and teachers and the ‘extras’ that come as part of their learning.
One of these, ‘Radio Awareness for Kids’, is taking place this Thursday where, as part of their ‘Media' inquiry the year 4 classes will work with John Brougham, an ex radio announcer, in creating and recording their own radio segment .
Next week, too, we have our netball team heading off to Melbourne to compete in the Victorian Schools Netball Championships.
Cyber Safety sessions for all year levels, Book Week celebrations and a Book Fair, and
preparation for First Communion and Confirmation, including Bread Making Day are some of the upcoming events. Stay tuned to the ‘dates to remember’ for more details of these and more as time goes on.
This term, Julie our Wellbeing Leader, will be running this program for children experiencing grief and loss. Expressions were sent home toward the end of last term and this will begin next week. If you have any questions about this program, please feel free to contact Julie.
Many of our Grade 3 students will officially begin their preparation to be Confirmed and receive their First Communion with the presentation masses taking place on the upcoming weekend of July 27th and 28th. Confirmation and First Communion are celebrated at the same Mass in our parish. These ceremonies are scheduled for the weekend of August 24th and 25th.
"Looking forward to a great term of working together".
Jane (on behalf of all staff)