Ulverstone Campus News

Sydney Senior Drama Trip 

The Senior Drama students went on a fabulous trip to Sydney! They saw the fun & energetic musical '& Juliet', went to the SeaLife Aquarium, saw some of the city sights and tasted new foods. 

The students participated in an active pre-show workshop with the highly acclaimed Bell Shakespeare Co, concentrating on the storyline and characters in Shakespeare's 'King Lear' before viewing the amazingly intense play in the evening. 


Students also participated in a big photo challenge along the way which had them stepping outside their comfort zones to pose with random objects and signs or to create tableaux in a creative way. 


The Drama students learnt so much and found all the activities so engaging. We are thankful to be able to explore new places and take part in such exciting things.


Brixhibition 2024 at the Ulverstone Campus was filled with excitement and creativity. Primary students drew upon their imagination to design original scenes out of LEGO, while their peers voted on their favourites. Congratulations to all of the winners of this year’s competition! 


Year 7/8 Textiles Project 

In 7/8 Soft Sculptures class we have been teaming up with the Prep class who have become our 'clients'. The students in Prep have been working on a story character unit, imagining and drawing their own story characters. 


The 7/8 students have been assigned to two students, whom they have interviewed and then constructed their characters for using the techniques and skills we have been learning in our soft sculptures class this year. They had to make sure they were interpreting the drawn details correctly, making notes on any specific design features, then they set to work bringing the characters to life. 


They have done a wonderful job in creating the soft sculptures for the Preps and there are some very detailed interpretations of their drawings. Characters were presented to the Prep students at the end of the term. 


Vanuatu Preparations 

As we travel to Vanuatu this Thursday 4 July with our suitcases laden with gifts for our friends at Life Changer Christian College in Port Vila, I would like to thank the community of people who have supported us in preparation for our mission to provide educational resources to those in need.


Thank you to everyone in the school community who purchased sausages, popcorn or coffees; paid to wear casual clothes or allowed our team members to clean their cars for them! From these funds we have been able to purchase, and gift requested stationery, Art supplies, guitar strings, magnifying glasses and loads of (40 kg) milk powder to supply the nutrition program. 


In addition, our team have been busy making bookmarks, bible verses, even puzzle books, and gift bags to fill with donated pencils, pens, erasers, pencil sharpeners, note pads, exercise books and more. 


We have received gracious donations from a variety of individual and community sources including our library which has donated several sets of Atlases - thank you Mrs Clarke , Mr JRT from Gideons for Bibles, Woolworths for contributing to the milk powder, Quadrant Dentistry for toothpaste tubes and my local friend Lee for sponsoring Feminine Hygiene pack supplies for local young women, and our students and their families have contributed much! Lastly, a donated box of resources was bought to the school with the most gorgeous children's pencil pouches and more. After much enquiry I discovered Mrs McNab's mum had hand made these for us, which was just so lovely.


I feel we have experienced great community involvement and affirmation for the work we are doing and trust that these gifts will be a blessing to the school children in Port Vila. 


On behalf of the 2024 Vanuatu student team and Patrick Fabian, Ben Mace and Desiree Smuts, 


Dianna de Deuge

Trip Co-ordinator


MADE Exhibition Night

Our MADE Exhibition night brought together the young and the mature to experience the God-given talents of our secondary students and the skills they've developed. 


The works students displayed: STEM, Robotics, Textiles and Food Technology, LEGO League, English, History, MDT and visual arts, set the scene for the amazing drama and music performances that brought closure to the evening's festivities. 


Thanks to the Vanuatu trip team, no one was left hungry or in need of coffee as they served guests with a sausage sizzle and scrumptious treats made by our food technology students. What memorable night it was!!!

Year 9-10 Outdoor Education Exursion

On a brisk winter's day in Launceston, 9-10 Outdoor Education students braved the chill to tackle the high ropes course at Hollybank. Despite the cold, their spirits were high as they navigated the challenging obstacles suspended amidst the treetops. 


They worked together, encouraging each other with every step and swing. The crisp winter atmosphere added an extra layer of exhilaration to the experience, making their achievements all the more memorable. 


As they conquered the course, the students not only tested their physical limits but also strengthened their bonds of camaraderie and teamwork.


Birthday Cupcakes at the Canteen

Parents and guardians can now order birthday cupcakes for their child or the child’s classroom on the QKR app. Beautifully decorated in vanilla flavoring. Gluten free and vegan options available also.


Set price of $3.50 per cupcake, orders for the whole classroom only.

QKR App - Canteen Orders

A reminder to families to please update the year level in your Qkr app for your child/ren.  This will assist our Canteen staff to have your child/ren’s orders delivered to the correct class.


Link to the app store here: Qkr!™ on the App Store (apple.com)

For Android, please scan QR code below:


Bikes & Scooters

Dear Parents

Due to safety concerns, we cannot have bikes and scooters being ridden in our car park when cars are present. There have been a few close calls with bikes and cars, and we do not wish for any injuries to occur. 


It’s been lovely to see some children getting active and riding around on bikes and scooters after school, however, please direct your children to ride on safe bike paths and designated areas. 




A reminder to parents and guardians that children are not to be at school before 8.15am each morning please.  Students arriving at school before 8.15am pose a safety and duty of care concern as we do not have staff on duty to supervise until this time.


Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.


Katrina McNab

Ulverstone Campus Principal